Abdul-Malik al-Huthi 🇾🇪 “The Palestinian 🇵🇸 cause is very clear—it’s the clearest cause in the world, with no ambiguity whatsoever.

When you look at international law, which is upheld by the current global system, you find that right is on the side of the Palestinians.

When you turn to United Nations charters, you find that right is on their side.

When you consider divine law, you find that right is on their side.

In every respect, they are the ones in the right, and no one can deny that right except those who deny it for themselves.

In other words, anyone who claims that the Palestinian people have no rights to their land, their sacred places, or their freedom and independence is also denying their own rights, for these are established rights, recognised among all humanity.

The Palestinian people have a clear right and a just cause, and they are suffering from evident injustice.

What the Israeli enemy has done to them over the past seventy-seven years is all oppression, all aggression, and all criminality—criminal acts in every form and manner.

Therefore, the injustice is evident, and its facts are undeniable.

The scale of the horrific crimes committed by the Israeli enemy against the Palestinian people in the present and the past—tremendous acts of genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity have been committed.

All the descriptions used for crimes apply to what the Israeli enemy has done against the Palestinian people.

Despite this, there has been no protection for the Palestinian people, including children, women, and civilians.

Despite the fact that the Palestinian people are all civilians, no protection has been provided by international organisations that present themselves as dedicated to establishing justice and protecting peoples and their legitimate rights.”

Abdul-Malik al-Huthi 🇾🇪 “Both the Americans 🇺🇸 and Israelis 🇮🇱 are two sides of the same coin, moving together in one direction and having one project.

Each is extremely greedy in its utmost desire and avarice to control our Arab region: to plunder its resources, to dominate its people, to destroy them, to exploit them, to humiliate them, to degrade them, to enslave them, to oppress them, and to benefit from them in every possible way as if they were animals—as they designate them.”