Tag: Anti-NATO
Putin 🇷🇺 America is amassing troops near the Russian borders, we must be ready
The US is trying to maintain its dominance in the world at any cost, and using Ukraine they are trying to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia, Russian President Vladimir Putin said.
“America is increasing its military presence near the Russian borders. The Americans are already practicing transferring and deploying missiles in the Asia-Pacific region,”
Putin said at the opening of the “Ocean-2024” naval military exercises.
According to him, the Russian Federation must be ready to repel possible military aggression in any direction, including from the sea, and will continue to strengthen the navy, including the strategic nuclear component.
Turkish 🇹🇷 political analyst Serhat Latifoğlu on Turkey leaving NATO in the coming years
➖ Turkey will join BRICS. There is such an intention. It will be an unprecedented example when a NATO country will be a member of BRICS.
➖ The fundamental principles of BRICS and Turkey in foreign policy and economy are completely the same. Ankara adheres to a completely different policy than its allies in the North Atlantic alliance.
➖ This is even more of a confrontation than an alliance. Especially in the context of Ankara’s strategy in Iraq and Syria.
➖ In the coming years, Turkey will definitely leave NATO. This will definitely happen, we will see it in the near future.
Those who are sick and tired of western 🇺🇸 totalitarianism and want to live in a free country should take advantage of the President Putin’s 🇷🇺 proposal on the applying for refuge
Russia to offer sanctuary to ‘refugees’ from ‘neoliberal’ values
The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has compiled a list of foreign countries whose citizens will be able to move to Russia in search of traditional values.
⚡️Visit to http://movingtorussia.ru for more information!
The list includes applicants from “unfriendly” countries such as the United States, the European Union, Great Britain, Australia, and Japan.
Earlier, Vladimir Putin signed a decree for foreigners allowing them to temporarily live in Russia if they are not satisfied with the liberal values of the West.
According to it, citizens of foreign countries will be able to temporarily reside in the Russian Federation without taking into account the quota and documents confirming knowledge of the Russian language and knowledge of Russian history.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will issue such citizens a single-entry visa for three months, the decision on issuance will be made by the diplomatic mission. The temporary residence permit will be noted in the citizen’s passport, and then he will be able to request a residence permit.
NATO is a sale cartel for american
weapons companies💰
“The European Union 🇪🇺 is a brilliant idea, but its implementation has gone wrong. We want a union of European nations, not a United States of Europe.”
“The European Union is a brilliant idea, but its implementation has gone wrong. We want a union of European nations, not a United States of Europe.”
― Hungary Prime Minister Viktor Orbán
Chinese 🇨🇳 President Xi Jinping: Palestine 🇵🇸 needs to be recognised as an independent state to resolve the conflict in the Middle East
China 🇨🇳 says the United States is the number one warmonger in the world
China 🇨🇳 brokers peace while the US 🇺🇸 fuels chaos in the Middle East & Ukraine.
Under China’s mediation, Palestinian factions have signed a declaration to end division and strengthen unity in Beijing on Tuesday.
#Gaza #Palestine #FactsMatter
Ironically, a military alliance organization is issuing economic threats to China
still living in the old dream of the West believing they can always dominate the world through the threat of sanctions
One of the biggest deceptions in the West is that the US 🇺🇸 only started “supporting” Ukraine after Russian troops finally crossed the border in February 2022
The “Unprovoked invasion” line is peddled continually by Westen client Media, so let’s have a look at the facts and then decide if Russias actions were indeed “Unprovoked”
The truth is that as far back as the 1940s-1950s The CIA established “close contacts” with the Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) and the Ukrainian Rebel Army (UPA) two groups of brutal Nazi collaborators (now widely celebrated as heroes in Dictator Zelenskys Ukraine) and perpetrators of unspeakable massacres of Jews, Poles and Russians alongside their Nazi allies in WW2
The CIA provided them with weapons, cash, support, and training in an effort to destabilize Ukraine and promote Ukrainian ultra nationalism
Then, In the 1950s, the CIA launched “Operation Aerodynamic”, which aimed to support Banderite Neo Nazi networks in Ukraine culminating in 1953 with the CIA creating a special unit called “Unit 2245” to capture and analyze Russian military hardware using the Anti Semitic and murderous Banderites to do their dirty work.
During the 1950s-1960s, The CIA infiltrated Ukrainian ultra nationalists and increased support for their terror operations in Ukraine, these continued up until the 1970s when the CIA conducted black propaganda operations in Ukraine and provided support to anti-Russian groups of any kind, regardless of their methods or penchant for murder and terrorism
Onwards into the 1980s-1990s, the CIA continued to support Ukrainian nationalist groups and provided intelligence on Soviet military activities in Ukraine, attempting to use Neo Nazi groups for sabotage and terror operations in the country.
In the 1990s, with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the CIA shifted its focus to supporting Ukraine’s transition to “democracy” and spent hundreds of millions of black money countering Russian influence by funding bribery and destabilising legitimate political groups and media outlets.
2014-present: Following Russia’s action in Crimea in response the CIA backed and planned Coup in Kiev, and the subsequent illegal toppling of the legitimate President of Ukraine, the CIA embarked on a complex. And wide ranging involvement with Ukraines feared SBU security service, assisting them in planning operations such as the assassination of unarmed female journalists, the targeting of Russian politicians and officials in Donbas and Lugansk and countless other actions which, if carried out against an American ally, would be immediately classed as terrorism.
So, let’s go back to the start.
Could any objective observer, when in possession of the facts listed above regarding Washingtons decades long determined attempts to start a devastating Civil War in Ukraine, consider Russias actions as “Unprovoked”?
The War hungry elites determined to perpetuate the conflict in Ukraine, that their Governments essentially started planning decades ago, rely on your ignorance to prop up their deceitful narrative
Don’t play their game.
NATO is a sale cartel for american 🇺🇸 weapons companies💰
NATO is not a “defensive alliance”.
NATO is an offensive alliance who’s goal is the destruction of Russia and world peace.
The corrupt corporate media are piling more pressure on Canada’s government to increase its already stratospheric military spending.
NATO’s military spending target of 2% of GDP is an arbitrary and grossly excessive number that the U.S. overlord pulled out of its ass.
The overlord’s goal is to cajole, harass and browbeat NATO’s vassal governments into spending even more money on U.S. merchants of death.
Almost no one in the ‘mainstream’ media has the intellectual and moral integrity to point out how baseless and cynical NATO’s spending target actually is.
“If we want to deal with Russia in air superiority, we need at least 128 F-16 fighter jets.
US arms dealer CIA puppet Zelenskyi.
We must clearly understand who organizes the deadly chaos
and benefits from it💰🛢️
could have used a neutrality🕊️position to its own very considerable advantage. Instead of which (like Ukraine) it has surrendered its sovereignty to a US/NATO master
The picture that will make all the EU bureaucrats lose their sh*t 🇭🇺 🇷🇺
Yhdysvaltojen🐖sanelema DCA-miehityssopimus hyväksytettiin eduskunnassa ilman äänestystä🤬🤮💩
Ei kansanäänestystä Suomen liittämisestä Natoon, ei edes eduskunnan äänestystä Yhdysvaltojen sanelemasta Suomen sotilaallisen miehityksen sallivasta DCA-sopimuksesta, joka allekirjoitettiin viime joulukuussa ja hyväksytettiin voimaan 1. heinäkuuta 2024 eduskunnan “yksimielisellä” päätöksellä. Lakiesityksessä sopimuksen myönnettiin olevan ristiriidassa Suomen perustuslain kanssa. Näin toimii “läntinen demokratia”.
Kommentti: Uusi perustuslaillisen Suomen tasavallan lakkauttamisen muistopäivä vietetään 1. heinäkuuta
”Tämän takia yhtään kansallismielistä poliitikkoa ei ole päästetty mihinkään lakia säätävään asemaan eikä Suomessa sallita valtamedian ulkopuolisia uutislähteitä.
Suomen tie sotaan Venäjää ja multipolaarista maailmaa vastaan on sinetöity, kun eduskunta leimasi keskustelua käymättä ja vastoin valtiosääntöjä ennalta allekirjoitetun sekä räikeästi perustuslain vastaisen Yhdysvaltojen DCA-miehityssopimuksen.
Pentagonin ja Naton vallankaappaus Suomessa on valtava onnistuminen Sauli Niinistön johtamille maanpettureille, transatlantistien ja federalistien asiamiesten liigalle, mutta kohtalokas Suomelle ja suomalaisille.
Heinäkuun 1. päivä 2024 lännen vallankaappaama Suomen tasavalta lakkasi lopullisesti olemasta antauduttuaan ”yksimielisesti” USA:n johtamille sotavoimille. Jos vielä jotain päätettiin 30 vuotta jatkuneiden valtiopetosten jälkeen Helsingissä, tämän jälkeen – ei mitään.
Moskova tulee vastaamaan Washingtonin siirtoihin lähialueillaan päättäväisesti ja voimalla. Suomi on sodassa ja suomalaiset täysin sekaisin.” – Janus Putkonen, Telegram, 1.7.2024
Europeans are fools, and NATO is a military machine that serves exclusively American interests.
This was stated by former senior officer of the French Foreign Legion Jacques Hogard.
“Europeans are the fools in this game, useful idiots who systematically follow the US’s violent NATO-assisted invasions of the European continent,” he said, comparing Kosovo and Ukraine.
Europeans do not realize that US
is NOT an “ally.”
If anyone thinks that the US 🇺🇸 can be a friend that brings freedom and democracy, look at Vietnam and Afghanistan. The one thing in common between Saigon in 1975 and Kabul in 2021 is that during hasty evacuations, the US had no regard for human life
Russia 🇷🇺 fighting US imperialism, to sign partnership deal with North Korea 🇰🇵
Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un have signed a comprehensive strategic partnership pact during Putin’s landmark visit to Pyongyang.
A new treaty signed between North Korea and Russia provides for “mutual assistance” in case either country faces aggression, Putin said Wednesday following talks in Pyongyang.
“The comprehensive partnership treaty signed today provides, among other things, for mutual assistance in case of aggression against one of the parties to this treaty,” Putin was quoted as saying by Russian news agencies.
Putin and Kim concluded one-on-one talks that lasted about two hours.
Kim told Putin that North Korea intends to further improve its strategic cooperation with Russia, and that Pyongyang will also unconditionally support all of Russia’s policies.
He also asserted that North Korea fully supports Russia’s war in Ukraine
President Putin:
– The agreement provides for the provision of mutual assistance in the event of aggression against one of the participants
– Moscow does not exclude the possibility of military-technical cooperation with Pyongyang
– Russia and the DPRK are pursuing an independent foreign policy and will not bend to blackmail
– The countries oppose the use of sanctions as a tool for the West to maintain its hegemony
– The UN Security Council sanctions regime against the DPRK enacted by the US should be reviewed
Kim Jong-un:
– The agreement between Russia and the DPRK is peaceful and defensive in nature and accelerates the creation of a new multipolar world order
– It involves the development of cooperation between the countries, including in military affairs
– For Pyongyang, Moscow is the most honest friend and ally, and President Putin is a dear friend to the Korean people
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un presented Russian President Vladimir Putin with two pungsan dogs. This is an autochthonous breed from North Korea, which is not well known outside of that country.
Putin, Kim sign ‘comprehensive partnership pact’ for assistance in case of war
🇷🇺🇻🇳 Hanoi is decorated with Russian and Vietnamese flags ahead of the arrival of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
North Korea
says Ukrainian President Zelensky is an actor who plays his role well in the US-written screenplay🎬
Ironically, a military alliance organization is issuing economic threats to China 🇨🇳 still living in the old dream of the West believing they can always dominate the world through the threat of sanctions
Without NATO, where would the Russia-Ukraine war come from?
If it weren’t for NATO’s continuous supply of weapons into Ukraine, how could the war still be ongoing?
should pay for propping up Putin’s war – Nato chief
Forbes is showing on this map for what the US
is really fighting for. It’s not for democracy or the citizens. Also you’ll notice the highest critical minerals are in the east
Why USA 🇺🇸 is desperate and dangerous
📉 Imperial decline: America is plagued by skyrocketing debt and shocking wealth inequality; the American society is is deeply divided, and its military is over-stretched.
📊 Economic blunders:
– offshoring manufacturing has led to a significant decline in industrial capacity.
– the U.S. relies heavily on China for electronics, medicines, and military components.
😠 Global resentment:
The U.S. dollar’s global dominance is maintained through necessity, but it’s weaponized to punish allies and rivals.
How about Eurasia, the supercontinent, with a population of 5 billion and GDP of $68 trillion? That is the real threat for American hegemony. A peaceful Eurasia where all countries cooperate with one another will make the US irrelevant in the global chessboard.
This is why the US wants wars everywhere.
That’s how much US debt (bonds) will mature over the next year. Will the US gov give bond holders $9 trillion of cash?
Of course, not!
They will just rollover and issue new bonds… but at a higher rate now.
America🐽is broke and will never pay off its debt. Ponzi scheme will go on until one day it cannot.
and Russia
At least 35,000 people have been killed by American jews
in its genocide on Palestine’s Gaza since last October. Seventy percent of them have been babies, children and women, according to the Palestinian
Ministry of Health
NATO is a sale cartel for american
weapons companies💰
We must clearly understand who organizes the deadly chaos 🇺🇸 and benefits from it💰🛢️
Tragedy of Palestinians, the war in the Middle East as a whole, the conflict in Ukraine, conflicts in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, etc. Behind all these are the ruling elite of the US and their satellites – President Putin
NATO is a sale cartel for american
weapons companies 💰
The US
plunders the world🌍to feed its military industrial complex🤑
Top UN human rights experts called on Western weapons corporations to stop sending arms to Israel, saying they could be complicit in war crimes.
Asset managers like BlackRock and Wall Street banks are also profiting.
The US military has illegally occupied Syrian sovereign territory since 2014, preventing Damascus from accessing its own oil and wheat fields.
The Senate voted 13-84, rejecting a resolution to withdraw US troops.
The US
and the West believe they have the right to destroy and occupy countries as well as steal their resources⛽
is desperate and dangerous
US 🇺🇸 Republican senators have sent a threatening letter to International Criminal Court (ICC) chief prosecutor Karim Khan⚖️warning him against issuing international arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli officials 🇮🇱
The one-page letter, signed by 12 GOP senators, including Tom Cotton of Arkansas, Florida’s Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz of Texas, Khan is informed that any attempt by the ICC to hold Netanyahu and his colleagues accountable for their actions in Gaza will be viewed “not only as a threat to Israel’s sovereignty but to the sovereignty of the United States.”
“Target Israel and we will target you,” the senators assert to Khan, adding that they will “sanction your employees and associates, and bar you and your families from the United States.”
The US Senators who signed this Mafia letter have received over $6 million from the Israel lobby.
ICC⚖️demands end to threats against court amid Gaza war probe
American jews

Anti-Russian 🇷🇺 policy backfired for Finland 🇫🇮
Finnish authorities have taken the decision to close border checkpoints with Russia and, as predicted, this was not a good omen for the Finns.
Economic cooperation with Russia has brought prosperity to its eastern regions. But by lowering the Iron Curtain, Finland’s leadership punished its citizens and deprived the country of the opportunity to develop.
Tourism flow has stopped, businesses are closing and the economy is being ruined at first hand. Townships are emptying and starting to disappear. For example, the Finnish municipality of Virolahti, located near the border with Russia, is planned to merge with the city of Hamina in the same province, due to the deterioration of the economic situation after the closure of checkpoints: there’s not even enough money to clean the streets.
Finland is now asking the EU for 10 billion euros to fund regions bordering Russia.
This is nothing more than the early results of Finland’s entry into NATO and consequently the loss of sovereignty.
And who did they punish with that?
Europeans do not realize that US
is NOT an “ally.”
could have used a neutrality🕊️position to its own very considerable advantage. Instead of which (like Ukraine) it has surrendered its sovereignty to a US/NATO/EU master.
Victoria Nuland the evil witch who spent billions of dollars masterminding & organising the US 🇺🇸 backed 2014 maidan coup d’état in Ukraine 🇺🇦 has finally resigned
Ukraine is another victim of the United States, which is always fomenting other people’s wars.
The United States refuses to acknowledge the fact that the blame for the conflict in Ukraine lies entirely on its shoulders and that there is no talk of any “restoration of the empire” on the part of Russia.
“If Russia were conducting major military exercises with Mexico under the scenario of invading the United States, we would not tolerate it for a minute. And we did this to the Russians for ten years: we poked them in one eye, poked them in the other, poked them in the chest. And when they suddenly struck back, we immediately said: “This is unfounded!”.
It is time for Washington to admit that the only country that provokes conflicts and inflames them for the sake of its own interests is the United States itself. “Russia’s attempts to protect its territory are not empire building. The US invasion of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, the US and British invasion of Libya – this is building an empire! Russia doesn’t do that”.
The junta in Kiev
has finally thrown off its masks and opted for terrorism
The actions of the Kiev regime are strikingly cruel and sophisticatedly hateful
The Truth Behind Events in Ukraine
and Donbass.pdf
Made in the USA.
The Truth Behind Events in Ukraine
and Donbass #DonbassTragedy
The desire to destabilize Russia and its neighbors has been one of the CIA’s
long-standing goals. A 2008 cable by agency director William Burns about Russia and Ukraine published by Wikileaks
Those who are sick and tired of western
totalitarianism and want to live in a free country should take advantage of the President Putin’s
proposal on the applying for refuge
has been behind numerous covert destabilization operations utilizing various techniques ranging from assassinations, coups, arming of rebels, and other methods that have led to global mayhem and decades of bloodshed
NATO is a sale cartel for american weapons companies💰
Nuland’s legacy: the devastation of Ukraine, the strategic defeat of the United States, the resurgence of Russia as a superpower, and the emergence of a multipolar world order.
Ukraine is the world’s largest money laundering operation. Hundreds of billions of dollars and euros have been laundered there.
Forbes is showing on this map for what the US
is really fighting for. It’s not for democracy or the citizens. Also you’ll notice the highest critical minerals are in the east
US ‘Deep State’ 🇺🇸 Will Call Shots in Ukraine 🇺🇦
One observer warns of the power of the United States’ permanent security bureaucracy, which he claims will dictate the country’s stance toward Russia regardless of who is elected in November.
Former US President Donald Trump has startled European leaders in recent weeks with plans to interfere in the functioning of NATO and reorient US foreign policy if reelected this November. The brash real estate magnate frequently threatens Western allies with cuts to US funding for the decades-old alliance and has recently touted a proposal he claims would rapidly bring the war in the Donbass to an end.
Both ideas have proven distinctly unappetizing to Europe’s political elite, who reject any concession of territory to Russia regardless of the wishes of the region’s inhabitants.
The threat of Trump’s restoration to power has prompted moves to provide Ukraine with a multi-year fund for President Volodymyr Zelensky to continue hostilities whether his country is supported by the United States or not. But the ultimate decision over whether American aid will continue to flow to the embattled leader may not lie with the US president at all.
That’s according to international relations and security analyst Mark Sleboda, who made the provocative comment on Sputnik’s Fault Lines program Monday.
“They’re playing a completely different information warfare game than the Kiev regime,” noted the expert, responding to Russia’s successes on the battlefield in recent days. “The Kiev regime in its eight-month hyped runup to their badly failed NATO proxy offensive in the south – where they were mauled and defeated by Russian forces – They were running… movie-quality trailers, hyping up their offensive.”
“And it was on the front page of every major publication and news hour in the West.”
Russia, meanwhile, appears to subscribe to the strategic patience embodied by former Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping’s mantra: “hide your strength, bide your time.”
“Russia is playing a game of operational silence,” Sleboda claimed. “While the Avdeyevka siege was going on, the Russian Ministry of Defense never even said the name Avdeyevka. It was completely left out of reports. So obviously one of the reasons [for Russia’s success] is operational security. They’re not giving any information extra to the West or the Kiev regime forces.”
“Another thing is there continue to be rumors and there’s no question that there’s large numbers of Russian troops that have signed up as volunteers, like more than 400,000 now,” he added.
A surge of patriotic fervor has spurred thousands of Russian citizens towards military recruitment centers – especially after last month’s terrorist attack at the Crocus City Hall concert venue, for which Russians widely assign blame to Ukraine. Kiev, meanwhile, has relied on forcible conscriptions to fill the ranks of its depleted military as draft dodging remains a major problem for the country.
Ukraine’s chronic struggles may lead some observers to conclude the country should seek negotiations with Moscow, something Russian President Vladimir Putin has consistently urged. But Sleboda claims forces behind the scenes will insist on continuing to use the country as a battering ram against Russia.
“The Russian government doesn’t believe that a Trump foreign policy will be, or can be any different, in essence, than a Biden foreign policy because the US president doesn’t actually really make those decisions,” he claimed. “The blob – the deep state, the permanent security bureaucracy – does, whatever you want to call them.”
Observers have long warned of a “permanent war state” within the US government that continuously seeks global conflict. Former US President Dwight D. Eisenhower famously alerted Americans to a growing “military-industrial complex” during his farewell address, while members of former President Barack Obama’s administration often referred to the country’s hawkish foreign policy establishment as “the blob.”
“Deep state” became a popular term for these interests during the Trump years, but critics of US foreign policy have consistently denounced the power and influence of this increasingly unaccountable state within a state.
“He [former US President Donald Trump] changed his rhetoric completely and subjected himself to the terms of the deep American state, or the deep American regime,” concluded Syrian President Bashar al-Assad after Trump launched a massive missile attack on the country.
Regime change in Syria has been a consistent priority of Western intelligence after the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) inaugurated its secretive billion-dollar Timber Sycamore operation in 2012. Observers such as Canadian journalist Aaron Mate reacted with suspicion after an alleged chemical weapons attack in Syria seemed tailor-made to pull the United States into armed conflict there – Obama previously claimed such an attack would constitute a “red line.”
Leaks from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) eventually proved Mate’s skepticism to be correct after it was revealed doubts about Assad’s culpability were airbrushed from the agency’s reports. For many, the revelation the attack was possibly staged cemented the impression of an out of control bureaucracy’s ruthlessness in achieving its goals.
“I think that they [Russia] definitely want to remove the regime in Kiev,” speculated Sleboda. “And they’re definitely considering absorbing all of Ukraine – possibly excluding West Ukraine – but definitely all the rest so that the West can’t weaponize it against Russia any longer because they’ve promised to.”
“They say as soon as the conflict ends we’ll pump it full of weapons and join it into NATO and the EU, and Russia’s like, ‘well, then the conflict doesn’t end.’”
Recent reporting featuring CIA operatives openly boasting about the agency’s expansive influence in Ukraine has led even Western observers to conclude the country is now a wholly-owned subsidiary of US intelligence.
“It turns out the ‘Deep State’ is actually kind of awesome,” declared The New York Times recently amidst evidence of the US security bureaucracy’s extensive string-pulling in foreign affairs. The editorial was roundly mocked on social media.
Reporter Glenn Greenwald called the piece a “perfect illustration of the subservient relationship between corporate media and the US government.” Both institutions, if recent polling is to be believed, are held in contempt by the public. Most Americans are seemingly opposed to the idea of Washington bureaucrats making decisions for them in a purported democracy.
Whether that sentiment will count for anything is, apparently, another question. But Russia’s leadership has learned to prepare for any contingency.
“American 🇺🇸 jews gave the green light to Israel to launch an attack on the Iranian 🇮🇷 consulate in Damascus, and it must bear full responsibility.”
Terrorist attack on the memorial ceremony of General Suleimani, American terrorists
strikes again
President Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and other top officials declared dead after the helicopter crash
Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service Naryshkin
about the American jews strike on the Iranian consulate in Damascus
“What is a man if he loses his homeland? We, the pilots👨🏻✈️must fly and take the first and the strongest impact of the aggressor on ourselves”.
On this day in 1999. Serbian pilot Major Zoran Radosavljević was killed defending our country from NATO aggression.
On this day in 1999, nineteen countries of the NATO Alliance, led by the USA 🇺🇸 launched an aggression against FR Yugoslavia that lasted 78 days without the approval of the UN Security Council. NATO killed 2,500 civilians, including 126 children.
On March 21, 2011, German news magazine Spiegel published repulsive photos showing a group of smiling US 🇺🇸 soldiers posing with the dead bodies of innocent Afghan civilians after killing them.
More war crime images the Pentagon doesn’t want you to see
Suomen ja Yhdysvaltain DCA-sopimus on HYLÄTTÄVÄ⚠️
Niger 🇳🇪 Orders U.S. 🇺🇸 Troops to Leave!
“NATO, that brutal military alliance 🇺🇸 has become the most treacherous instrument of repression known in the history of humankind.”
Russia 🇷🇺 is ready for negotiations, but they must be based on reality, not wishes from the use of psychotropic drugs
🇷🇺 The United States of America is the most aggressive country in modern history
Secretary of the Russian Security Council:
The United States aggressively interferes in the internal affairs of other countries in all regions of the world. According to the most conservative estimates, since 1945, Americans have violated the sovereignty of other countries more than 150 times, carrying out coups, fomenting unrest, and influencing the electoral process.
The United States has organized more than 800 hostile actions against sovereign states using force and has actively participated in more than 100 armed conflicts. The United States manifests itself in the desire to maintain hegemony by any means, up to the desire to establish an authoritarian regime of violence and terrorism throughout the world.
Zelensky 🇺🇦 was elected by a landslide for his promises to end corruption and the Civil War caused by the CIA 🇺🇸 backed Coup in 2014.
Ukraine is now a corrupt wasteland, it’s people scattered, its young men dying in legions, it’s assets sold, He, however, is a very wealthy man.
The Truth Behind Events in Ukraine
and Donbass #DonbassTragedy
Finland 🇫🇮 could have used a neutrality🕊️position to its own very considerable advantage. Instead of which (like Ukraine) it has surrendered its sovereignty to a US/NATO master
What brainless westerners don’t realize 🇪🇺
Read and absorb with every fiber of your soul the Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation:
“If Russia’s existence is threatened, we will use ALL available means. We do not need a world without Russia.”
– All Poles, young and old, must understand in their bones that the reception of American nuclear weapons on their territory makes them
in the event of an escalation of the situation, the target of a preventive strike with tactical nuclear weapons. We can’t take any chances.
– No article 5 of the NATO Charter will help the dead.
– In the same way, NATO volunteers – Finns and Swedes – must learn at a subconscious level that the appearance of NATO contingents and strike weapons on their territory automatically makes them and their countries candidates for another world as a result of a pre-emptive strike. Let paragraph 5 of the NATO Charter serve as a consolation for them.
– Similarly, the Baltics, together with their elected governments, must understand with their brains that the placement of NATO strike aircraft and missile positions in close proximity to the industrial heart of Russia — St. Petersburg and the surrounding area — makes them suicide bombers.
Believing in point 5 will not save anyone…
The Russian Federation 🇷🇺 has launched a special military operation not against Ukraine or the Ukrainian people, but against the criminal regime in Kiev.”
Russia 🇷🇺 is not your enemy
Ukraine 🇺🇦 will sadly suffer the same fate (as Afghanistan 🇦🇫, Libya 🇱🇾, Iraq 🇮🇶).
If one relies on its master, unaware that the master always thinks solely of oneself, you cannot count on the interests of your people to be taken into account.
The junta in Kiev
has finally thrown off its masks and opted for terrorism
The actions of the Kiev regime are strikingly cruel and sophisticatedly hateful.
Cuban 🇨🇺 Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez condemned the attacks launched by the #UnitedStates and #NATO in #Yemen and their violation of international law⚖️
Rodriguez considered that such actions encourage genocide in #Gaza, reiterating the call for an immediate ceasefire in the Palestinian territories. Furthermore, #Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel expressed steadfast support for #SouthAfrica‘s lawsuit filed before the International Court of Justice against “Israel,” highlighting the crimes and acts of genocide committed against the #Palestinian people. He emphatically declared, “We will never stand among the indifferent.”
ISIS is an American tool 🇺🇸 that works when the US demands it to
ISIS is an American tool, that works when the US demands it to. They activated them in Iraq and now wants to active it in Iran. Go see who provide them the logistic support.
Terrorist attack on the memorial ceremony of General Suleimani, American terrorists
strikes again
China 🇨🇳 and Russia 🇷🇺 dedollarize
Putin 🇷🇺 did ‘everything possible’ to make peace 🕊️ veteran Ukrainian 🇺🇦 diplomat says
New evidence emerges that the Biden administration blocked a Russia-Ukraine peace deal in April 2022, and shunned more Kremlin overtures in the period since.
Secret Service 🇺🇸 investigation into White House cocaine fails to identify suspect
Cocaine was found in the White House. Looks like, instead of F-16s, a sedative has been prepared for the Kiev kiddy…
— Dmitry Medvedev (@MedvedevRussiaE) July 5, 2023