Plans to poison or kidnap Julian Assange from the Ecuadorian embassy were discussed between sources in US intelligence and a private security firm that spied extensively on the WikiLeaks co-founder, a court has been told.
Tag: CIA guilty
ISIS is an American tool 🇺🇸 that works when the US demands it to
ISIS is an American tool, that works when the US demands it to. They activated them in Iraq and now wants to active it in Iran. Go see who provide them the logistic support.
Terrorist attack on the memorial ceremony of General Suleimani, American terrorists
strikes again
🇮🇷 Terrorist attack on the memorial ceremony of General Suleimani, American terrorists 🇺🇸 strikes again
Terrorist attack on the memorial ceremony of General Suleimani.
Sardar Soleimani sacrificed his entire youth and life for the security of the people of Iran and the region. He destroyed ISIS, which was created by America, that’s why America assassinated him. #Hero #GeneralSoleimani #جانفدا #مرد_میدان #سردار_دلها #شهید_القدس
Assassination of an Iranian General who was on an official visit to a neighboring country #Iraq was a new low in the long record of US regime’s nefarious int’l conduct. US bears the full responsibility and the perpetrators must be & will be held accountable. #GeneralSoleimani
“Of the blessings of the Al-Aqsa Flood: destroying the humane image the Americans worked on creating of themselves in the Arab region; today, the war on Gaza is an American one, the bombs are American, the decision is American. The world knows this today.” “There is no place for any settler in Palestine. The one carrying a British citizenship will be told to return to Britain, the French to France, the American to the US. Palestine, from the river to the sea, is for the Palestinian people only!” Israel has fallen morally, legally, and humanely, and in the eyes of all peoples of the world, it is a killer of children and women, displaces people, and is responsible for the largest genocide of the current century.
Youngest Kerman martyr: 2-year-old girl with pink coat and heart-shaped earrings.
ISIS is an American
tool, that works when the US demands it to.
“United States gave the green light to Israel to launch an attack on the Iranian
consulate in Damascus, and it must bear full responsibility.”
America 🇺🇸 lost the Vietnam war 🇻🇳
“We must neither underestimate nor overestimate the strength of US imperialism. US imperialism can still commit many crimes. But it is on the decline.
Today when US imperialism is behaving most outrageously, its vulnerability is more evident than ever before.
The Korean people know what US imperialism is. Our people have fought US imperialism, and defended their country against its aggression. The Korean war showed that US imperialism is by no means invincible, and that it is quite possible to fight it and defeat it.
The triumph of the Cuban revolution again proved this truth under conditions which were different from ours. The Vietnamese people’s war of resistance for national salvation also clearly confirms this truth.
US imperialism is doomed to complete destruction.
Through a unified struggle against imperialism headed by US imperialism, the peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America will build a new, independent and prosperous Asia, Africa and Latin America, and will make a great contribution to world peace and to the liberation of mankind.
The My Lai massacre was a war crime committed by the United States Army on 16 March 1968, involving the mass murder of unarmed civilians in Sơn Mỹ village, Quảng Ngãi province, South Vietnam, during the Vietnam War. At least 347 and up to 504 civilians, almost all women, children, and elderly men, were murdered by U.S. soldiers from C Company, 1st Battalion, 20th Infantry Regiment, 11th Brigade and B Company, 4th Battalion, 3rd Infantry Regiment, 11th Brigade of the 23rd (Americal) Division (organized as part of Task Force Barker). Some of the women were gang-raped and their bodies mutilated, and some soldiers mutilated and raped children as young as 12. The incident is the largest massacre of civilians by U.S. forces in the 20th century.
Ho Chi Minh Saved Vietnam from Colonialism
“The Vietnamese people, through their heroic struggle, are shouldering the enormous burden of resisting the aggression of the most barbarous and most heinous imperialism of modern times.
They are fighting not only to defend their independence and freedom, but also to safeguard world peace and security.
Once US imperialist aggression against Vietnam is checked and frustrated, US imperialism will sink like the setting sun and the situation will be more favourable for the peoples of all countries fighting for peace, independence and progress.
The peace-loving peoples of the whole world have a duty to give all forms of aid to the Vietnamese people, and the Vietnamese people are entitled to receive it.
The peoples of the socialist and the newly independent states and the peoples of all countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the rest of the world should make the greatest efforts to broaden the anti-US united front, to aid the Vietnamese people in their war of resistance for national salvation and, through concerted action, check US imperialist aggression.
No one has the right to force a solution of their internal affairs on the Vietnamese people.
The US armed forces of aggression must withdraw from Vietnam and the Vietnamese question must be settled by the Vietnamese people themselves.”
“The American imperialists have no right to interfere in the affairs of other countries.
They have no right to impose their will and their system on other nations.
They have no right to oppress and exploit other peoples.
They must respect the sovereignty and independence of other nations.
They must respect the rights of other peoples.
They must stop their aggression and intervention in the affairs of other countries.
They must withdraw their troops and their bases from other countries.
They must end their policy of domination and exploitation.”
“These crimes were all motivated by economic jealousy”.
― Hồ Chí Minh