Tag: Cowardice
TikTok has fallen under the control of the American 🇺🇸 jews 🇮🇱 (CIA and Mossad) after all
TikTok deletes Russia Today and Sputnik accounts.
Video-sharing platform TikTok has deleted the accounts of RT International as well as several branches of the Sputnik media network.
The crackdown came days after the US announced new sanctions targeting several Russian outlets, including RT.
On Saturday morning, the accounts of RT News, Sputnik Serbia, Sputnik Afrique, Sputnik Africa, Sputnik International, Sputnik Brasil, Sputnik Mundo, and Sputnik Indonesia became inaccessible. TikTok has not yet commented on the development.
Sputnik Serbia has shared an image showing a query saying it could not find the account, adding that its page has also been blocked on Facebook but remains operational on X.
TikTok is run by US deep state now.
Do not buy American💩🇺🇸 and western-affiliated brands. Especially not products that’s directly linked to your personal safety and privacy
BREAKING: The Lunatic american 🇺🇸 🇮🇱 jew terrorists has killed Mohammed Ibrahim Al-Nahal 🇵🇸 an elderly man known for his love of cats, by targeting him with a quadcopter drone north of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip
American jew terrorists 🇺🇸 🇮🇱 has been abducting and seizing Palestinian 🇵🇸 bodies after killing or digging them out from graves
Over 2,000 Palestinian bodies, including those of killed ones reported by Yamen Abu Suleiman, have been forcibly exhumed from Gaza cemeteries by American jews terrorists.
Among them, 89 bodies were returned desecrated and reduced to decomposed remains and skeletons.
Families, left devastated, cannot mourn or bury their loved ones with dignity. Bodies, stuffed into bags four per bag arrive without names, origins, or explanations, denying even the dead their humanity.
With Gaza’s medical facilities crippled by relentless bombardment, DNA tests for identification are nearly impossible.
The lunatic american jew terrorists occupation desecrates Gaza martyrs bodies, steals vital organs
Al Jazeera journalist, cameraman killed in American jews attack on Gaza 🇵🇸
Ismail Maher Khamis Al-Ghoul (January 14, 1997 – July 31, 2024) was a Palestinian journalist and an Al Jazeera Arabic correspondent in the Gaza Strip.
On July 31, 2024, Al-Ghoul and Al Jazeera cameraman Rami Al Refee were killed by an Israeli airstrike while covering the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh near his family home in the Northern Gaza Strip.
Al Jazeera Media Network strongly refutes the baseless allegations made by the american jews occupation forces lies in an attempt to justify its deliberate killing of our colleague, journalist Ismail Al Ghoul, and his companion, cameraman Rami Al Rifi.
The lunatic american jew terrorists 🇺🇸 🇮🇱 has now assassinated Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, and it did so in Iran
American jews (CIA & Mossad) has assassinated the prime minister of Gaza Ismail Haniyeh, after slaughtering his children and his grandchildren.
It’s now beyond obvious that Netanyahu and his gang of fellow psychopaths are hell-bent on igniting a regional conflagration.
Moreover, the fact that Israel sharply escalated the war – both in Lebanon and Iran – only days after Netanyahu’s visit to Washington is no coincidence.
The most plausible inference is that Kamala Harris, Donald Trump and Congressional leaders gave Netanyahu the green light to escalate when he met with them in the U.S. That’s precisely why Antony Blinken was warning of the supposed nuclear threat from Iran only days before Netanyahu visited Washington. Blinken was setting the table for escalation against Iran.
The U.S. government is as responsible for Israel’s lunacy and barbarism as Israel itself. They are partners in crime. They are plunging humanity into World War III and are an existential threat to humanity.
Israeli intelligence with CIA successfully infiltrated Haniyeh’s phone by sending a WhatsApp message containing spyware. This allowed them to determine the precise location of Haniyeh’s residence, enabling a drone to target and launch a missile strike on the house.
rights group Sada Social demands an investigation into Meta’s data leaks to Israeli military used to target and kill Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank⚖️
The lunatic american jew terrorists
relentless attacks on Gaza have killed at least 40,000 people, mostly women and children, and injured over 92,240 others, according to local health authorities
Censorship in the West 🇮🇱 🇺🇸 is used to legitimise censorship in other countries 🇦🇺
And abuses in the West, of Enlightenment ideals, which we should all hold dear, and the corrosion of those ideals, not only impoverishes Western countries, it is also used as an excuse for terrible abuses in other countries.”
Julian Assange
“The crimes of the US have been systematic, constant, vicious, remorseless, but very few people have actually talked about them.
You have to hand it to America. It has exercised a quite clinical manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal good. It’s a brilliant, even witty, highly successful act of hypnosis.”
—Harold Pinter
Iran 🇮🇷 rejects claim about Trump assassination, asserts will pursue Soleimani case legally
Iran has roundly rejected claims of devising plot to assassinate former US president Donald Trump, but vows to pursue legal channels to consign him to justice for his ordering the assassination of the Islamic Republic’s top anti-terror commander Qassem Soleimani in 2020.
Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kan’ani made the remarks on Wednesday after US media alleged that American authorities had obtained “intelligence from a human source in recent weeks on a plot by Iran to try to assassinate Trump.”
It followed an assassination attempt against Trump that took place while he was campaigning in Butler, Pennsylvania. Trump survived the attempt, suffering an ear injury.
Kan’ani said Iran strongly rejected allegations of any involvement in the armed attack against Trump or claims of harboring any intention to take such action, Kan’ani said.
The Islamic Republic considers such claims to be a product of malicious political goals and intents, he added.
Terrorist attack on the memorial ceremony of General Suleimani, American terrorists
strikes again
More outright deception and blatant lies from Western Media 🇺🇸 over an alleged “Russian strike on a children’s hospital”
Pro Ukrainian channels are publishing footage of the alleged strike by a Russian missile at a children’s hospital in Kiev, but the photos being shared clearly show the shrapnel elements from a Ukrainian S-300 air defence missile.
Apparently, missiles with expired shelf life (and in some cases simply faulty) are still used by Kievs air defence crew.
On the left in the photo are the same elements of the S-300 missile that fell on residential buildings in Odessa. On the right is what was found in Kiev.
The Ukrainian Dictatorship persistently lies about Russian strikes on Civillian infrastructure in Ukraine, while ignoring the willful targeting of Russian civillians in border regions.
The idea that Moscow would target children’s hospitals is as ridiculous as the fantasy they would “abduct” Ukrainian children.
The more desperate the regime becomes in Kiev, the more desperate their lies and the peddled lies of the Western paid Media will become.
Yhdysvaltojen🐖sanelema DCA-miehityssopimus hyväksytettiin eduskunnassa ilman äänestystä🤬🤮💩
Ei kansanäänestystä Suomen liittämisestä Natoon, ei edes eduskunnan äänestystä Yhdysvaltojen sanelemasta Suomen sotilaallisen miehityksen sallivasta DCA-sopimuksesta, joka allekirjoitettiin viime joulukuussa ja hyväksytettiin voimaan 1. heinäkuuta 2024 eduskunnan “yksimielisellä” päätöksellä. Lakiesityksessä sopimuksen myönnettiin olevan ristiriidassa Suomen perustuslain kanssa. Näin toimii “läntinen demokratia”.
Kommentti: Uusi perustuslaillisen Suomen tasavallan lakkauttamisen muistopäivä vietetään 1. heinäkuuta
”Tämän takia yhtään kansallismielistä poliitikkoa ei ole päästetty mihinkään lakia säätävään asemaan eikä Suomessa sallita valtamedian ulkopuolisia uutislähteitä.
Suomen tie sotaan Venäjää ja multipolaarista maailmaa vastaan on sinetöity, kun eduskunta leimasi keskustelua käymättä ja vastoin valtiosääntöjä ennalta allekirjoitetun sekä räikeästi perustuslain vastaisen Yhdysvaltojen DCA-miehityssopimuksen.
Pentagonin ja Naton vallankaappaus Suomessa on valtava onnistuminen Sauli Niinistön johtamille maanpettureille, transatlantistien ja federalistien asiamiesten liigalle, mutta kohtalokas Suomelle ja suomalaisille.
Heinäkuun 1. päivä 2024 lännen vallankaappaama Suomen tasavalta lakkasi lopullisesti olemasta antauduttuaan ”yksimielisesti” USA:n johtamille sotavoimille. Jos vielä jotain päätettiin 30 vuotta jatkuneiden valtiopetosten jälkeen Helsingissä, tämän jälkeen – ei mitään.
Moskova tulee vastaamaan Washingtonin siirtoihin lähialueillaan päättäväisesti ja voimalla. Suomi on sodassa ja suomalaiset täysin sekaisin.” – Janus Putkonen, Telegram, 1.7.2024
Europeans are fools, and NATO is a military machine that serves exclusively American interests.
This was stated by former senior officer of the French Foreign Legion Jacques Hogard.
“Europeans are the fools in this game, useful idiots who systematically follow the US’s violent NATO-assisted invasions of the European continent,” he said, comparing Kosovo and Ukraine.
Europeans do not realize that US
is NOT an “ally.”
If anyone thinks that the US 🇺🇸 can be a friend that brings freedom and democracy, look at Vietnam and Afghanistan. The one thing in common between Saigon in 1975 and Kabul in 2021 is that during hasty evacuations, the US had no regard for human life
Who benefits from a terrorist attack on a church and synogogue right now when Russia 🇷🇺 has never been closer to the Islamic world
We know that the US and Israel control ISIS.
American Jews 🇺🇸 🇮🇱
The yearly corruption cycle
He raised a white flag, United States 🇺🇸 🇮🇱 Israel (American Jews) still murdered him!
10 Zionists (american jews) surround a 15 year old palestinian girl and EXECUTE HER!
American jews keeps beheading Palestinian babies.
PM Netanyahu slammed the ICC’s⚖️call for arrest warrants to be sought against him and his Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, denouncing it as being “antisemitic” in a video statement, vowing to continue his country’s brutal onslaught in Palestine’s Gaza nevertheless
15,000 children in Gaza
have been murdered by american jews
over the last 7 months
Boycott American
goods to confront US-backed Israeli crimes: Yemen
Defense Minister Margarita Robles has remarked that the war on Gaza is “a real genocide” that cannot be ignored
50 lawyers⚖️prepare a case against the US and UK for complicity in Israel’s genocide in Gaza 
American jews
Suomen ja Yhdysvaltain DCA-sopimus on HYLÄTTÄVÄ⚠️
Europeans must disconnect from the bad influence of the falling US empire or they will pay the ultimate price.
84% ruotsalaisista vastustaa DCA-sopimusta Yhdysvaltojen kanssa
DCA-puolustussopimus on Yhdysvaltojen sotilasvallankaappaus | Kolumni
It has long been known that, during al-Hawsawi’s CIA captivity, his captors injured him, causing him to suffer from anal fissures, chronic hemorrhoids and, most seriously, symptomatic rectal prolapse. When the United States Senate Intelligence Committee published a 600-page unclassified summary of its 6,000-page report on the CIA’s use of torture, the world learned that the CIA routinely punished its captives by sodomizing them, claiming the sodomy was the long abandoned medical technique of rectal feeding. The United States Senate Intelligence Committee’s investigation of the CIA’s Torture Program revealed that detainees were routinely subjected to unnecessary rectal exams without evidence of medical necessity for purposes of behavioral control. CIA leadership, including General Counsel Scott Muller and DDO James Pavitt, were alerted to allegations that rectal exams were conducted with “excessive force” on two detainees at the Salt Pit detention site. CIA records indicate that one of the detainees, Mustafa al-Hawsawi, was later diagnosed with chronic hemorrhoids, an anal fissure, and symptomatic rectal prolapse.
Navy SEALs described their platoon leader, retired Special Operations Chief Edward Gallagher, as “evil,” “toxic” and “perfectly OK with killing anybody that was moving,” in video footage of interviews obtained by The New York Times.
They described how their chief seemed to love killing, how he targeted women and children and boasted that “burqas were flying.”
In video interviews, three SEALS said they saw Gallagher go on to stab the sedated captive for no reason and hold an impromptu ceremony over the body as if it were a trophy.
Taliban vows revenge after U.S.
Sergeant on SEAL team ‘shoots dead nine sleeping Afghan children before burning their bodies’ in deadly rampage that killed 16
On March 21, 2011, German news magazine Spiegel published repulsive photos showing a group of smiling US
soldiers posing with the dead bodies of innocent Afghan civilians after killing them.
Yhdysvaltojen sanelema DCA-miehityssopimus hyväksytettiin eduskunnassa ilman äänestystä🤬🤮💩
We ALL KNOW that America 🇺🇸 is involved…
Truth is not a crime🙊
William Rogers🐖🇺🇸 the man who shot down an Iranian 🇮🇷 passenger in the Persian Gulf 🛫 killing 290 civilians was awarded the Legion of Merit medal🎖️
On July 3, 1988, the USS Vincennes of the 🇺🇸 United States Navy shot down 🇮🇷 Iran’s civilian Flight 655 on its usual route over Iran’s territorial waters in the Persian Gulf.
The cold-blooded terrorist attack killed all 290 people on board, including 66 children and 16 women.
The US Navy even awarded special commendation medals for “meritorious service” to two of the top officers who were serving on the USS Vincennes.
The lunatic american jew terrorists
has now assassinated Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, and it did so in Iran
Palestinian 🇵🇸 rights group Sada Social demands an investigation into Meta’s data leaks to Israeli military used to target and kill Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank⚖️
The Sada Social online rights group says US tech giant Meta must be investigated for helping the so-called Lavender AI-assisted targeting system of the Israeli military used to kill Palestinians in Gaza through leaking users’ Whatsapp data.
“Since the onset of the genocidal war on October 7, the enforcement of surveillance and violation of users’ privacy through WhatsApp has escalated, with more than 670 numbers of Palestinian users being banned, over 78 percent of whom are journalists and users in the Gaza Strip, directly impacting their lives,”
Sada Social calls on Meta to release transparency reports that have been withheld since the start of the Israeli genocide.
According to a BBC report, several Palestinians
living abroad had their Microsoft-owned
voice and video chat accounts terminated without warning
The lunatic American
jew terrorists has now assassinated Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, and it did so in Iran
American jews 🇺🇸 🇮🇱 destroys an entire Society. Massacres tens of thousands, Pulverises Hospitals, Schools, Refugee Camps, convoys of aid and fleeing civilians. Murders those trying to feed the starving 🇵🇸
Zero Sanctions.
Iran responds to an illegal, murderous attack on its embassy
And this
West wields big stick of sanctions against Iran again, revealing blatant double standards
After American jews bombed the Iranian embassy, resulting in 16 deaths, the US actively worked to prevent the UN from condemning Israel. Yet, following Iran’s relatively restrained retaliation against Israel, with no deaths caused, the US and the EU are eager to impose a new round of sanctions on Iran. The double standards of the West are glaringly obvious and blatant in this situation.
The lunatic american jews terrorists attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus was a violation of international law, a group of UN experts agreed on.
The experts observed that american jews actions on April 1 did not seem to constitute self-defense, as there was no evidence presented indicating that Iran was directly or indirectly engaging in an “armed attack” against american jews.
Additionally, they pointed out that american jews failed to provide any legal rationale for the strike or to report it to the Security Council, as mandated by Article 51 of the United Nations Charter.
American jews attack consequently violated the prohibition on the use of armed force against another state under Article 2(4) of the Charter,” the experts said.
William Rogers
the man who shot down an Iranian
passenger in the Persian Gulf 🛫 killing 290 civilians was awarded the Legion of Merit medal🎖️
American jews, GOP 🇮🇱 Mossad & CIA 🇺🇸 world
It’s not bad enough he looks like this but he also wants to murder Paleatenian children. This is RFK’s handler everyone.
The lunatic american jew terrorists
relentless attacks on Gaza🍉have killed at least 40,000 people, mostly women and children, and injured over 92,240 others, according to local health authorities
On March 21, 2011, German news magazine Spiegel published repulsive photos showing a group of smiling US 🇺🇸 soldiers posing with the dead bodies of innocent Afghan civilians after killing them.
More war crime images the Pentagon doesn’t want you to see
Suomen ja Yhdysvaltain DCA-sopimus on HYLÄTTÄVÄ⚠️
TikTok 🇨🇳 drama in a nutshell
There’s no spying, there’s no data transfer to China.
Those are just CIA lies to hide the fact that:
🔹 AIPAC is losing the propaganda war on TikTok, and
🔹American products like Facebook and YouTube are unable to compete.
American greed has no limits. Consider that:
🔹TikTok is 60% owned by Americans
🔹TikTok servers (and data) are in Texas, USA
🔹TikTok is full of executives from US deep state
But they want 100% control to:
🔸Control the narratives*
🔸Steal the AI code**
* Narratives like pro-Palestine videos
** TikTok’s value comes from its amazing AI algorithm which the US cannot copy or replicate
Sell to us, or face a ban. Isn’t this daylight robbery and forced tech transfer? #TikTok
Why #AIPAC hates TikTok so much:
“I stand with Israel”: 2 million views
“Free Palestine, Free Gaza” etc: 150 million!
2 million versus 150 million
China has labeled the US as having “bandit logic” after Congress passed a bill to ban #TikTok if it didn’t separate from Chinese parent company ByteDance. #China vowed to “take all necessary measures” to protect its companies overseas. The Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin stated that “if so-called national security reasons can be used to willfully suppress other countries’ superior companies, there would be no fairness to speak of.” If US President #JoeBiden passes the bill, TikTok’s owner ByteDance would be allotted around six months to separate from US assets or see its video-sharing app banned in the US.
Boycott American 🇺🇸 & Israeli 🇮🇱 goods to confront US-backed American jews crimes: Yemen
US soldiers sent to build a port in Gaza The Department of Defense is sending 1,000 soldiers from the U.S. Army’s 7th Expeditionary Transportation Brigade to construct a “temporary floating pier” to be anchored off the coast of Gaza. The purported aim is to bring aid to the strip, but many are questioning if there is a connection to the intended gas extraction in the area.
We Stand Shoulder to Shoulder With The Genocide
of the Palestinians
”Tragedy for humankind and disgrace for civilization”
How #China describes Israel’s & United States relentless and ruthless attacks on #Gaza.
The US
and the West believe they have the right to destroy and occupy countries as well as steal their resources⛽
“The United States must now be held accountable⚖️for the crimes it committed!” against the people of Gaza 
CIA 🇺🇸 & American jews 🇮🇱
The US 🇺🇸 GOVERNMENT Does not represent me⚠️
🇮🇱 An Israeli soldier holds an American flag posing alongside a sign endorsing the construction of settlements in Gaza and promoting an American 🇺🇸 construction company
The US 🇺🇸 never learnt to be civilized and mature. It is a rogue nation that creates and profits💰from war⚰️
US must be stripped of its VETO power for the sake of peace in the world.
US Congressman Andrew Ogles is confronted with the deaths of Palestinian children whose bodies have been shredded to pieces at the hands of Israel His response: “I think we should kill them all.” ‘KILL THEM ALL’, the slogan of the US’ rules-based order
This is the United States’ legacy, and I will never forget seeing these images when they came out. Scandalous doesn’t even begin to cover it.
Beijing has asserted that the US veto of a ceasefire at the UN Security Council is tantamount to endorsing the ongoing Israeli genocide in Gaza.
We must clearly understand who organizes the deadly chaos
and benefits from it💰🛢️
When the 🇺🇸 american jews (CIA & Mossad) control the news media & social media
Globalist Elites Want Total Internet Censorship CIA asset Mark Zuckerberg’s decision to ban Russian media from his platforms show that he’s a threat to all freedom loving people, Australian journalist Aussie Cossack told in an interview with Russian media agency
“Telegram and X still allow for free speech, but the US Deep State is going after them”, he added.
Meta imposes anti-Palestine algorithm
Engineer fixes anti-Palestine bug, gets fired
ISIS is an American
tool, that works when the US demands it to.
journalist Antoinette Lattouf was fired after sharing a post from Human Rights Watch on Instagram

This is how Western media supports Israeli genocide in Gaza. AP ran an article based on an unnamed official, claiming Israel’s intensive bombings of Gaza are effective in softening Hamas’s ceasefire demands.
Israeli media used the article to justify Netanyahu’s continued ceasefire rejection and the relentless Israeli bombardments and invasions against civilians in Gaza.
comedian, television host, political influencer, and surgeon Bassem Youssef’s X account with more than 11 million followers has been REMOVED by @X for speaking out against american jews
war crimes
This is why the West is going to collapse.
Everything is built on lies on top of lies.
Hence the need for blatant censorship & thought control.
Since the beginning of its genocide in Gaza, Israel has consistently sought to besiege and undermine UNRWA and any relief organization working to assist Palestinians, aiming to facilitate the starvation of hundreds of thousands of displaced Palestinians in the Strip.
The world’s biggest disinformation campaign comes from the US media and the “blob” — US State Dept, Pentagon and the CIA.
Blaming Russia for “interference” is just boring recycled propaganda.
Dr. Udo Ulfkotte
Journalists for Hire: How the CIA Buys the News
If we don’t have transparency and freedom of the press, do we really live in a democracy?
Do not buy American💩
and western-affiliated brands. Especially not products that’s directly linked to your personal safety and privacy
has suspended the Facebook
account of Motaz Azaiza, a Palestinian
journalist renowned for documenting Israel’s genocide in Gaza🍉
The US 🇺🇸 and the West believe they have the right to destroy and occupy countries as well as steal their resources⛽
The US military has illegally occupied Syrian sovereign territory since 2014, preventing Damascus from accessing its own oil and wheat fields.
The Senate voted 13-84, rejecting a resolution to withdraw US troops.
Forbes is showing on this map for what the US
is really fighting for. It’s not for democracy or the citizens. Also you’ll notice the highest critical minerals are in the east
Top UN human rights experts called on Western weapons corporations to stop sending arms to Israel, saying they could be complicit in war crimes.
Asset managers like BlackRock and Wall Street banks are also profiting.
Boycott American
& Israeli
goods to confront US-backed Israeli crimes: Yemen
The US officials 💩 say they are attacking Yemen “in self-defense”
“Self-defense” from Yemeni mountain people 8,000 miles away from US borders.
We Stand Shoulder to Shoulder With The Genocide
of the Palestinians
How US 🇺🇸 moved to block International Criminal Court⚖️ referal for alleged Israeli 🇮🇱 war crimes after 2009
ISIS is an American tool 🇺🇸 that works when the US demands it to
ISIS is an American tool, that works when the US demands it to. They activated them in Iraq and now wants to active it in Iran. Go see who provide them the logistic support.
Terrorist attack on the memorial ceremony of General Suleimani, American terrorists
strikes again
US 🇺🇸 blew up Nord Stream pipeline in covert operation
Just what was needed to blow up Nordstream? and why is the idea that a “rented yacht” with 3 Ukrainians on board are responsible is not only pathetic but utterly impossible.
Technical Complexity
The pipelines are very deep underwater, requiring not just diving expertise but also the ability to handle and place explosives at depths around 80 meters. This involves significant logistical challenges, including complex and exceptionally expert managing of decompression times, ultra precise navigation, and the absolutely super human act of manually attaching large amounts of explosives to a concrete-encased steel pipeline.
Explosives Handling
The operation would have required specifically prepared military-grade explosives, and handling them underwater adds another layer of exceptional difficulty. The precision needed to cause the kind of damage observed suggests not just any explosives but ones designed for such a task, likely requiring specialized knowledge and large-scale operational supports and training
Operational Security
Carrying out such an act covertly in international waters, where surveillance was and is incredibly high, requires operational security that’s far beyond what a small, ad-hoc group might be able to achieve without significant backing or training, the very idea that this scale of precision attack could have been carried out without deep sea submersible capabilities and intricate surface support is essentially ludicrous.
Renting a yacht, navigating to the exact location, and executing the practically impossible sabotage without immediate detection or interception speaks to a level of planning obviously beyond a “few people on a yacht” This includes covertly securing vessel, fitting it to carry large amounts of explosives capable of operating in a hostile marine environment and ensuring it’s not tracked all while managing the logistics of the operation itself?
What is most fascinating about the pathetically cobbled fantasy story Peddled by the client media is the fact that the lie, now told, will have to be perpetuated.
That, in my view, is more worrying than the Americans wanting to destroy a strategic piece of infrastructure beneficial to Russo European unity. They openly warned us they would destroy it if it was completed and opened, and of course, they did just that.
And unless you see nothing in the picture below, but a calm sea, you know that too.
US 🇺🇸 blew up Nord Stream pipeline in covert operation
The US knew about the Nord Stream attack before it happened, yet told the world it was Russia.
A day after the explosions, on Sept. 27, 2022, German magazine Der Siegel wrote that the CIA had warned Germany in summer 2022 about possible attacks on Baltic Sea pipelines.
NATO used the lie as an excuse to escalate the Ukraine War and convert the Baltic Sea to a “NATO lake”
– The media silence reveals that their job is to sell war