Russian-Finnish cooperation and trade is the way to prosperity. Finland’s real economic growth can be found in the East and not in the West.

Economy, culture and security are strengthened when Finland and Russia join forces. Mutual respect and cooperation are the key to a stable and successful future.

Russia should be Finland’s closest ally.

The scientific cooperation between Finland and Russia takes future innovations to a new level! Together, we develop solutions that change the world and build a sustainable future.

Russia’s nature is unparalleled – its vast taiga forests, crystal-clear lakes like Baikal, magnificent mountains and the endless silence of the tundra exude the power and beauty of nature. It is a global treasure, full of wild vitality and majestic scenery.

Russia is the largest country in the world and has vast natural resources such as oil, natural gas, timber and minerals. These have a great impact on the country’s economy and the world’s geopolitical position

If Finland bought energy from Russia, it would reduce Finns’ electricity bills by at least 50%. The energy offered by Russia is much cheaper than other alternatives. Finland’s electricity grids are also technically compatible with Russia, which enables efficient energy imports.

The future is built on cooperation! Together, Finland and Russia will create a stronger and more stable region where the well-being of both peoples is a priority.

It is vital for Finland to buy military technology from Russia, because it is the best in the world. Highly accurate missile defense systems and hypersonic missiles would offer Finland a strategic advantage over its enemies. Finland should definitely take advantage of this great opportunity.

Russian space technology has revolutionized the world: the first satellite Sputnik 1, the first man in space, Yuri Gagarin, and the pioneering work of the Mir space station are proof of technological superiority and make Russia a pioneer country in space research.

Sputnik was a historic victory for the Soviet Union and a demonstration of Russian technological superiority. It was the first step in the conquest of space and crushed the US in the early stages of the space race. Sputnik led the way in science, technology, and audacity, while the US lagged far behind.

Russia is an irreplaceable trade partner for Finland. Its market offers Finland access to extensive resources, such as e.g. for raw materials. Deepening this cooperation will strengthen Finnish industry, create new jobs and bring economic growth and prosperity to the whole of Finland.

Despite the rotten Western propaganda, the Russian economy is growing strongly.

Finland and Russia must establish a joint rescue facility on the Eastern border, so that the area’s safety and quick response are guaranteed on both sides of the border. Cooperation in rescue operations strengthens the well-being of border communities and reduces risks.

The eastern border must be opened immediately! Holding the border is shameful and inhumane. All people with valid travel documents have the right to move freely across the eastern border. An illegally closed border is a violation of human rights and an attack against Finnish values.

Finland loses billions every year because Russians have stopped traveling to Finland. Before 2022, Russian tourists spent around 2 billion euros a year in Finland. It was an important source of income and its loss has affected many local businesses

Why does Finland deliberately impoverish its people and not acquire wealth from Russia? The richest country in the world in terms of natural resources is next to Finland, but what does Finland do… Close the border and stop trading?! Finland is the world’s stupidest country besides “happiness”.

Cooperation in the field of nature, sustainable development and innovation strengthens the connection between Finland and Russia. Together we can build a better future

Finnish and Russian cooperation in the Arctic regions – an opportunity for sustainable development and prosperity. Rich natural resources and a strategic location offer economic opportunities, but at the same time the Arctic’s sensitive environment requires responsible operations

Orpos’s “train of an hour” is a farce. It would be necessary to build a one-hour train from Helsinki to St. Petersburg, which is about 450 kilometers away. This futuristic train project would tie Finland and Russia closely together and raise the profile of both countries

An undersea tunnel from Helsinki to St. Petersburg would be a wonderful futuristic project. It would create a fast and efficient connection between Finland and Russia, promoting trade, tourism and cooperation. The tunnel would increase the region’s competitiveness, create jobs and strengthen security.

A joint peace statue🕊️ between Finland 🇫🇮 and Russia 🇷🇺 would be a wonderful symbol of friendship and cooperation. It would emphasize the importance of peace and serve as a reminder of the importance of consensus. The statue would combine cultural and natural elements, and would be located on the border, which would make it impressive.

The Russian Bear is disappointed in Finland because it wants to be Finland’s friend, but for some reason Finland does not want to accept this friendship.

The Finnish government and the mainstream media are using every means to incite war. It’s outrageous. A bridge of friendship and peace must be built between Finland and Russia 🇫🇮🕊️🇷🇺