Tag: Good guys
President Putin 🇷🇺 says that Russia will protect Iran 🇮🇷
Palestinian 🇵🇸 resistance, 1988
China 🇨🇳 says it’s ready to ensure global security🕊️together with Russia 🇷🇺
US has marketed its imperialism as something benevolent
— spreading freedom and democracy
— is the biggest propaganda coup in human history.
The director of the CIA published an article demonizing China as the “bigge[st] long-term threat” to the US. He boasted that the spy agency doubled its budget for anti-China ops.
He also said the Ukraine war helps the US economically and geopolitically.
says the United States is the number one warmonger in the world
“What is a man if he loses his homeland? We, the pilots👨🏻✈️must fly and take the first and the strongest impact of the aggressor on ourselves”.
On this day in 1999. Serbian pilot Major Zoran Radosavljević was killed defending our country from NATO aggression.