“Trump and Netanyahu want to expel the Palestinian 🇵🇸 people from their land in order to illegally seize Gaza.“ For the sake of humanity, we must stop these criminals who believe they own the world


Spain’s MEP, Irene Montero 🇪🇸 “Israel should be banned from the Olympics. We cannot allow sports to be used to whitewash the faces of genociders.” “What deep shame, what profound disgust, what an unacceptable complicity of Europe with these criminals.”

“Israel should be banned from the Olympics. We cannot allow sports to be used to whitewash the faces of genociders.”

“What deep shame, what profound disgust, what an unacceptable complicity of Europe with these criminals.”

Spain’s MEP, Irene Montero

Spain’s MEP Irene Montereo 🇪🇸 “Europe 🇪🇺 must stop being an accomplice in the genocide carried out by Netanyahu against the Palestinian people.”