“Intellectuals are clear, essential-minded and independent people who do not allow commercial opportunities to corrupt what they have to say”
Tag: Lolita Express
“My daddy is USA 🇺🇸 president. I can do whatever I want. Because my daddy can pardon me.”
Jeffrey Epstein was a Jewish 🇺🇸 🇮🇱 Mossad agent
Never forget this, that Bill Gates flew on the “Lolita Express” to “Epstein Island, Pedophile Island…” with a convicted pedophile.
Israel’s Mossad 🇺🇸 🇮🇱 spied on Italian 🇮🇹 Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and her inner circle, four arrested, according to Yedioth Ahronoth
— The report claims Mossad collaborated with a Milan-based private investigation firm staffed by former security service members, who allegedly stole personal data from politicians and public figures for potential extortion.
— Four arrests have been made, with dozens under investigation. Cyber experts suggest Italy’s Interior Ministry servers may have been breached.
— Italian media call it a “high-level conspiracy” involving mafia and intelligence officials.
— Meloni condemned the plot as a “threat to democracy,” while Defense Minister Guido Crosetto urged an urgent parliamentary probe into possible compromised state secrets.
Pavel Durov 🇷🇺 arrest shows that BRICS+ needs to create its own technological ecosystem
US dominance over hardware and software creates very real security risks for countries who want to maintain their political sovereignty.
We need an alternative, and quickly.
Censorship in the West 🇮🇱 🇺🇸 is used to legitimise censorship in other countries 🇦🇺
And abuses in the West, of Enlightenment ideals, which we should all hold dear, and the corrosion of those ideals, not only impoverishes Western countries, it is also used as an excuse for terrible abuses in other countries.”
Julian Assange
“The crimes of the US have been systematic, constant, vicious, remorseless, but very few people have actually talked about them.
You have to hand it to America. It has exercised a quite clinical manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal good. It’s a brilliant, even witty, highly successful act of hypnosis.”
—Harold Pinter
According to a BBC report, several Palestinians 🇵🇸 living abroad had their Microsoft-owned 🇺🇸 voice and video chat accounts terminated without warning
Salah Elsadi, a Palestinian residing in the Europe, told the BBC: “I’ve had this Hotmail account for 15 years. They banned me for no reason, saying I violated their terms — what terms? Tell me.”
The investigation uncovered at least 20 cases where Palestinians had their accounts suspended without explanation. Those affected explained that a paid Skype subscription enabled affordable mobile calls to Gaza, providing a critical service during Internet outages.
Khalid Obaied expressed his distrust in Microsoft, stating to the BBC: “I paid for a package to make phone calls, and then, after 10 days, they banned me for no reason. It has to be because I’m a Palestinian calling Gaza.”
Never forget this, that Bill Gates flew on the “Lolita Express” to “Epstein Island, Pedophile Island…” with a convicted pedophile.
Melinda Gates
began divorce moves at time Bill’s meetings with Jeffrey Epstein revealed
rights group Sada Social demands an investigation into Meta’s data leaks to Israeli military used to target and kill Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank⚖️
UK watchdog looking into Microsoft AI
taking screenshots
Jeffrey Epstein’s brother
doesn’t believe he died by suicide and wants new investigation
Yhdysvaltojen🐖sanelema DCA-miehityssopimus hyväksytettiin eduskunnassa ilman äänestystä🤬🤮💩
Ei kansanäänestystä Suomen liittämisestä Natoon, ei edes eduskunnan äänestystä Yhdysvaltojen sanelemasta Suomen sotilaallisen miehityksen sallivasta DCA-sopimuksesta, joka allekirjoitettiin viime joulukuussa ja hyväksytettiin voimaan 1. heinäkuuta 2024 eduskunnan “yksimielisellä” päätöksellä. Lakiesityksessä sopimuksen myönnettiin olevan ristiriidassa Suomen perustuslain kanssa. Näin toimii “läntinen demokratia”.
Kommentti: Uusi perustuslaillisen Suomen tasavallan lakkauttamisen muistopäivä vietetään 1. heinäkuuta
”Tämän takia yhtään kansallismielistä poliitikkoa ei ole päästetty mihinkään lakia säätävään asemaan eikä Suomessa sallita valtamedian ulkopuolisia uutislähteitä.
Suomen tie sotaan Venäjää ja multipolaarista maailmaa vastaan on sinetöity, kun eduskunta leimasi keskustelua käymättä ja vastoin valtiosääntöjä ennalta allekirjoitetun sekä räikeästi perustuslain vastaisen Yhdysvaltojen DCA-miehityssopimuksen.
Pentagonin ja Naton vallankaappaus Suomessa on valtava onnistuminen Sauli Niinistön johtamille maanpettureille, transatlantistien ja federalistien asiamiesten liigalle, mutta kohtalokas Suomelle ja suomalaisille.
Heinäkuun 1. päivä 2024 lännen vallankaappaama Suomen tasavalta lakkasi lopullisesti olemasta antauduttuaan ”yksimielisesti” USA:n johtamille sotavoimille. Jos vielä jotain päätettiin 30 vuotta jatkuneiden valtiopetosten jälkeen Helsingissä, tämän jälkeen – ei mitään.
Moskova tulee vastaamaan Washingtonin siirtoihin lähialueillaan päättäväisesti ja voimalla. Suomi on sodassa ja suomalaiset täysin sekaisin.” – Janus Putkonen, Telegram, 1.7.2024
Europeans are fools, and NATO is a military machine that serves exclusively American interests.
This was stated by former senior officer of the French Foreign Legion Jacques Hogard.
“Europeans are the fools in this game, useful idiots who systematically follow the US’s violent NATO-assisted invasions of the European continent,” he said, comparing Kosovo and Ukraine.
Europeans do not realize that US
is NOT an “ally.”
American Jews 🇺🇸 🇮🇱
The yearly corruption cycle
He raised a white flag, United States 🇺🇸 🇮🇱 Israel (American Jews) still murdered him!
10 Zionists (american jews) surround a 15 year old palestinian girl and EXECUTE HER!
American jews keeps beheading Palestinian babies.
PM Netanyahu slammed the ICC’s⚖️call for arrest warrants to be sought against him and his Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, denouncing it as being “antisemitic” in a video statement, vowing to continue his country’s brutal onslaught in Palestine’s Gaza nevertheless
15,000 children in Gaza
have been murdered by american jews
over the last 7 months
Boycott American
goods to confront US-backed Israeli crimes: Yemen
Defense Minister Margarita Robles has remarked that the war on Gaza is “a real genocide” that cannot be ignored
50 lawyers⚖️prepare a case against the US and UK for complicity in Israel’s genocide in Gaza 
American jews
Is american jews 🇺🇸 🇮🇱 using rape as a weapon of war
Mohammad Al-Hamlawi, a 39-year-old senior nurse, recounted a horrific ordeal in which a female officer ordered two soldiers to lift him up and press his rectum against a metal stick fixed to the ground. The stick penetrated his rectum for roughly five seconds, causing it to bleed and leaving him in “unbearable pain.”
American jews
uses dogs to attack and sexually assault Palestinians
during raids of homes, shelters and health centers in Gaza; and inside prisons
‘Sickening’: Reactions to Gaza doctor’s rape and murder in Israeli prison
Truth is not a crime🙊
I don’t know what the USA🐵is good for anymore
Just an insane country causing endless wars all over the world, while turning the domestic politics into a Banana Republic
Russia, China and BRICS+ must win for the sake of humanity.
Donald Trump 🇺🇸 found guilty in hush money case becoming first ex-president to be criminally convicted
A jury has found the 77-year-old guilty after a high-profile trial. It comes just six months before he goes head to head with Joe Biden in a bid to return to the White House.
In a historic decision, a New York jury has found him guilty of falsifying business records to commit election fraud.
He was found guilty of all 34 counts he faced. Unanimity was required for any verdict.
Hunter Biden’s Guilty Plea
Penance or Plot to Clear Harris of Blot of Biden Family Corruption?
politicians have lost the trust of the whole World🌏No one believes them!
Israel’s 🇮🇱 Mossad Director threatened the ICC Chief Prosecutor⚖️
You should help us and let us take care of you.
You don’t want to be getting into things that could compromise your security or that of your family.
Yossi Cohen, former head of Israel’s Mossad and a close ally of PM Benjamin Netanyahu, is accused of participating in an operation to pressure the International Criminal Court’s then-prosecutor to drop a war crimes investigation against Tel Aviv dating back to 2015.
UK watchdog looking into Microsoft AI 🇺🇸 taking screenshots
The UK data watchdog says it is “making enquiries with Microsoft” over a new feature that can take screenshots of your laptop every few seconds.
Maximilian Schrems (born 1987) is an Austrian activist, lawyer, and author who became known for campaigns against Facebook for its privacy violations, including violations of European privacy laws and the alleged transfer of personal data to the US National Security Agency (NSA) as part of the NSA’s PRISM program. Schrems is the founder of NOYB – European Center for Digital Rights.