Tag: My Lai Massacre
Happy Vietnamese Independence Day 🇻🇳
Our independence & peace were achieved through the sacrifices of countless generations. Unlike other nations that may still pay colonial taxes, host foreign military bases, or follow external directives, Vietnam is truly independent, with decisions made by and for its people.
Celebrating Vietnam’s Independence Day ✨
Happy Vietnam National Day
The Vietnamese Communists’ victory over the US not only demonstrated to the world that any nation, big or small, can overcome even the most formidable imperialist power, but also brought about huge transformations within Vietnam.
These achievements are a testament to Ho Chi Minh, the man who laid the foundation for these changes with his simplicity, integrity, and unparalleled determination.
#Vietnam National Day Parade, 2015.
On this day, which is special for every Vietnamese, international friends show their love for Vietnam – the country with an “indomitable spirit”! Let’s see what their impression of the country is. hanoitimes.vn/vietnams-indom
Beauty of Ha Long Bay, #Vietnam
Happy National Day Vietnam
The US keeping up the tradition of humiliating exits – leaving behind the same poisonous legacy
Vietnam, Saigon… Afghanistan, Kabul…Palestine
Now, what will the American exit from the Ukraine’s Kiev look like, we wonder…
In Vietnam and Afghanistan, the land was poisoned with Agent Orange and Depleted Uranium, as was shown in the “Democracy of Mass Destruction”, presented on our channel earlier.
Ukraine has already got a taste of depleted uranium, thankfully localised to one weapons storage, but will Blackrock manage to finish that poisonous work?
Happy Vietnam National Day 🇻🇳
𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐕𝐢𝐞𝐭𝐧𝐚𝐦 𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐃𝐚𝐲 🇻🇳 🇻🇳 🇻🇳
Mừng ngày Quốc Khánh Việt Nam 🇻🇳 🇻🇳
(2/9/1945 – 2/9/2024)
National Day (Vietnamese: Ngày Quốc Khánh) is a national holiday in Vietnam observed on 2 September, commemorating President Hồ Chí Minh reading the Declarations of independence of Vietnam at Ba Đình Square in Hanoi on 2 September 1945. It is the country’s National Day.
lost the Vietnam war 
Military genius Võ Nguyên Giáp, who commanded Vietnamese 🇻🇳 forces against the US. Happy Birthday to the undefeated revolutionary military leader, Võ Nguyên Giáp!
Honor and glory to General Võ Nguyên Giáp hero of Vietnam‘s Victory against colonialism and American imperialism.
The Gulf of Tonkin incident (Vietnamese: Sự kiện Vịnh Bắc Bộ) was an international confrontation that led to the United States engaging more directly in the Vietnam War. It consisted of a confrontation on August 2, 1964, when United States forces were carrying out covert amphibious operations close to North Vietnamese territorial waters, which triggered a response from North Vietnamese forces. The United States government falsely claimed that a second incident occurred on August 4, 1964, between North Vietnamese and United States ships in the waters of the Gulf of Tonkin. Originally, US military claims blamed North Vietnam for the confrontation and the ostensible, but in fact imaginary, incident on August 4. Later investigation revealed that the second attack never happened. The National Security Agency, an agency of the US Defense Department, had deliberately skewed intelligence to create the impression that an attack had been carried out.
Giáp said that the attack on 4 August 1964, had been imaginary.
lost the Vietnam war 
“Something terrible is happening in Israel 🇺🇸 🇮🇱 something that has made justifying genocide, famine and gang rape mainstream ideology.”
Suomen ja Yhdysvaltain DCA-sopimus on HYLÄTTÄVÄ⚠️
Europeans must disconnect from the bad influence of the falling US empire or they will pay the ultimate price.
84% ruotsalaisista vastustaa DCA-sopimusta Yhdysvaltojen kanssa
DCA-puolustussopimus on Yhdysvaltojen sotilasvallankaappaus | Kolumni
It has long been known that, during al-Hawsawi’s CIA captivity, his captors injured him, causing him to suffer from anal fissures, chronic hemorrhoids and, most seriously, symptomatic rectal prolapse. When the United States Senate Intelligence Committee published a 600-page unclassified summary of its 6,000-page report on the CIA’s use of torture, the world learned that the CIA routinely punished its captives by sodomizing them, claiming the sodomy was the long abandoned medical technique of rectal feeding. The United States Senate Intelligence Committee’s investigation of the CIA’s Torture Program revealed that detainees were routinely subjected to unnecessary rectal exams without evidence of medical necessity for purposes of behavioral control. CIA leadership, including General Counsel Scott Muller and DDO James Pavitt, were alerted to allegations that rectal exams were conducted with “excessive force” on two detainees at the Salt Pit detention site. CIA records indicate that one of the detainees, Mustafa al-Hawsawi, was later diagnosed with chronic hemorrhoids, an anal fissure, and symptomatic rectal prolapse.
Navy SEALs described their platoon leader, retired Special Operations Chief Edward Gallagher, as “evil,” “toxic” and “perfectly OK with killing anybody that was moving,” in video footage of interviews obtained by The New York Times.
They described how their chief seemed to love killing, how he targeted women and children and boasted that “burqas were flying.”
In video interviews, three SEALS said they saw Gallagher go on to stab the sedated captive for no reason and hold an impromptu ceremony over the body as if it were a trophy.
Taliban vows revenge after U.S.
Sergeant on SEAL team ‘shoots dead nine sleeping Afghan children before burning their bodies’ in deadly rampage that killed 16
On March 21, 2011, German news magazine Spiegel published repulsive photos showing a group of smiling US
soldiers posing with the dead bodies of innocent Afghan civilians after killing them.
Yhdysvaltojen sanelema DCA-miehityssopimus hyväksytettiin eduskunnassa ilman äänestystä🤬🤮💩
We ALL KNOW that America 🇺🇸 is involved…
Is american jews 🇺🇸 🇮🇱 using rape as a weapon of war
Mohammad Al-Hamlawi, a 39-year-old senior nurse, recounted a horrific ordeal in which a female officer ordered two soldiers to lift him up and press his rectum against a metal stick fixed to the ground. The stick penetrated his rectum for roughly five seconds, causing it to bleed and leaving him in “unbearable pain.”
American jews
uses dogs to attack and sexually assault Palestinians
during raids of homes, shelters and health centers in Gaza; and inside prisons
‘Sickening’: Reactions to Gaza doctor’s rape and murder in Israeli prison
❝This barbarian, thug, and bloodthirsty greedy named Netanyahu 🇺🇸 🇮🇱 who is dragging our region and the entire world into disaster, must be stopped❞
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says Netanyahu must be stopped to prevent further catastrophe v.aa.com.tr/3237996
President Erdogan says the whole West works for Israel, especially America
Ione Belarra, the Spanish 🇪🇸 Minister for Social Rights and the leader of the Podemos party, expressed her shock at the distressing scenes from Al Shifa, the biggest hospital complex in Gaza🍉
The US 🇺🇸 GOVERNMENT Does not represent me⚠️
The US 🇺🇸 never learnt to be civilized and mature. It is a rogue nation that creates and profits💰from war⚰️
US must be stripped of its VETO power for the sake of peace in the world.
US Congressman Andrew Ogles is confronted with the deaths of Palestinian children whose bodies have been shredded to pieces at the hands of Israel His response: “I think we should kill them all.” ‘KILL THEM ALL’, the slogan of the US’ rules-based order
This is the United States’ legacy, and I will never forget seeing these images when they came out. Scandalous doesn’t even begin to cover it.
Beijing has asserted that the US veto of a ceasefire at the UN Security Council is tantamount to endorsing the ongoing Israeli genocide in Gaza.
We must clearly understand who organizes the deadly chaos
and benefits from it💰🛢️
The US officials 💩 say they are attacking Yemen “in self-defense”
“Self-defense” from Yemeni mountain people 8,000 miles away from US borders.
We Stand Shoulder to Shoulder With The Genocide
of the Palestinians
America 🇺🇸 lost the Vietnam war 🇻🇳
“We must neither underestimate nor overestimate the strength of US imperialism. US imperialism can still commit many crimes. But it is on the decline.
Today when US imperialism is behaving most outrageously, its vulnerability is more evident than ever before.
The Korean people know what US imperialism is. Our people have fought US imperialism, and defended their country against its aggression. The Korean war showed that US imperialism is by no means invincible, and that it is quite possible to fight it and defeat it.
The triumph of the Cuban revolution again proved this truth under conditions which were different from ours. The Vietnamese people’s war of resistance for national salvation also clearly confirms this truth.
US imperialism is doomed to complete destruction.
Through a unified struggle against imperialism headed by US imperialism, the peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America will build a new, independent and prosperous Asia, Africa and Latin America, and will make a great contribution to world peace and to the liberation of mankind.
The My Lai massacre was a war crime committed by the United States Army on 16 March 1968, involving the mass murder of unarmed civilians in Sơn Mỹ village, Quảng Ngãi province, South Vietnam, during the Vietnam War. At least 347 and up to 504 civilians, almost all women, children, and elderly men, were murdered by U.S. soldiers from C Company, 1st Battalion, 20th Infantry Regiment, 11th Brigade and B Company, 4th Battalion, 3rd Infantry Regiment, 11th Brigade of the 23rd (Americal) Division (organized as part of Task Force Barker). Some of the women were gang-raped and their bodies mutilated, and some soldiers mutilated and raped children as young as 12. The incident is the largest massacre of civilians by U.S. forces in the 20th century.
Ho Chi Minh Saved Vietnam from Colonialism
“The Vietnamese people, through their heroic struggle, are shouldering the enormous burden of resisting the aggression of the most barbarous and most heinous imperialism of modern times.
They are fighting not only to defend their independence and freedom, but also to safeguard world peace and security.
Once US imperialist aggression against Vietnam is checked and frustrated, US imperialism will sink like the setting sun and the situation will be more favourable for the peoples of all countries fighting for peace, independence and progress.
The peace-loving peoples of the whole world have a duty to give all forms of aid to the Vietnamese people, and the Vietnamese people are entitled to receive it.
The peoples of the socialist and the newly independent states and the peoples of all countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the rest of the world should make the greatest efforts to broaden the anti-US united front, to aid the Vietnamese people in their war of resistance for national salvation and, through concerted action, check US imperialist aggression.
No one has the right to force a solution of their internal affairs on the Vietnamese people.
The US armed forces of aggression must withdraw from Vietnam and the Vietnamese question must be settled by the Vietnamese people themselves.”
“The American imperialists have no right to interfere in the affairs of other countries.
They have no right to impose their will and their system on other nations.
They have no right to oppress and exploit other peoples.
They must respect the sovereignty and independence of other nations.
They must respect the rights of other peoples.
They must stop their aggression and intervention in the affairs of other countries.
They must withdraw their troops and their bases from other countries.
They must end their policy of domination and exploitation.”
“These crimes were all motivated by economic jealousy”.
― Hồ Chí Minh
Happy Vietnamese Independence Day 
Military genius Võ Nguyên Giáp, who commanded Vietnamese
forces against the US. Happy Birthday to the undefeated revolutionary military leader, Võ Nguyên Giáp!
Taliban vows revenge after U.S. 🇺🇸 Sergeant on SEAL team ‘shoots dead nine sleeping Afghan children before burning their bodies’ in deadly rampage that killed 16
NATO troops in Afghanistan are on high alert after the Taliban vowed to avenge the deaths of 16 innocent civilians – including nine children and three women – who were shot and killed by a rogue U.S. soldier who opened fire after suffering a ‘mental breakdown’ early Sunday morning.