📉 Imperial decline: America is plagued by skyrocketing debt and shocking wealth inequality; the American society is is deeply divided, and its military is over-stretched.
📊 Economic blunders:
– offshoring manufacturing has led to a significant decline in industrial capacity.
– the U.S. relies heavily on China for electronics, medicines, and military components.
😠 Global resentment:
The U.S. dollar’s global dominance is maintained through necessity, but it’s weaponized to punish allies and rivals.
How about Eurasia, the supercontinent, with a population of 5 billion and GDP of $68 trillion? That is the real threat for American hegemony. A peaceful Eurasia where all countries cooperate with one another will make the US irrelevant in the global chessboard.
This is why the US wants wars everywhere.

That’s how much US debt (bonds) will mature over the next year. Will the US gov give bond holders $9 trillion of cash?
Of course, not!
They will just rollover and issue new bonds… but at a higher rate now.
America🐽is broke and will never pay off its debt. Ponzi scheme will go on until one day it cannot.
