Tag: Violation of International Law
“Trump and Netanyahu want to expel the Palestinian 🇵🇸 people from their land in order to illegally seize Gaza.“ For the sake of humanity, we must stop these criminals who believe they own the world
🇻🇪 Nicolas Maduro: “The cowards of the world are silent against the assassination of Seyed Hassan Nasrallah
The President of Venezuela, in response to the martyrdom of Seyed Hassan Nasrallah, in a statement strongly condemned the crime of the occupying regime of Israel (American Jews) and said: The people of Palestine and Lebanon are victims of genocide and terrorist acts of the murderous government of Netanyahu.
He added: “The orders for this attack were issued from the UN headquarters in New York. The cowards of the world are silent, but no one can silence the people who have risen up.”
Three Americans
have been arrested in Venezuela
for their involvement in a conspiracy to commit terrorist acts & assassinate President Maduro. This follows seizure of over 400 rifles & the capture of an active-duty U.S. Navy Seal
Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, who was assassinated by American jews, had defended Lebanon’s sovereignty, helped to defeat ISIS and Al-Qaeda, protected Christians, and fought against Israeli colonialism and military occupation.
Chinese 🇨🇳 Foreign Minister says “we will always stand on the side of justice, on the side of our Arab brothers, including Lebanon.”
US 🇺🇸 can deliver arms to Ukraine but Iran can’t deliver arms to Russia
American jews can commit genocide without sanctions but Iran will be sanctioned for helping Russia win the criminal US proxy war in Ukraine.
Makes no sense.
“United States gave the green light to Israel to launch an attack on the Iranian
consulate in Damascus, and it must bear full responsibility.”
American jews 
destroys an entire Society. Massacres tens of thousands, Pulverises Hospitals, Schools, Refugee Camps, convoys of aid and fleeing civilians. Murders those trying to feed the starving 
BREAKING: The Lunatic american 🇺🇸 🇮🇱 jew terrorists has killed Mohammed Ibrahim Al-Nahal 🇵🇸 an elderly man known for his love of cats, by targeting him with a quadcopter drone north of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip
Cuban 🇨🇺 Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla accused the United States of being a partner in Israel’s genocide against Palestine, citing 50,000 tons of military aid provided to Israel
🇺🇸 US Federal debt to GDP ratio:
1960: 52.47%
1980: 34.65%
2000: 56.44%
Now: 123.21%
Putin: “95% of the world’s terrorist attacks are orchestrated by the CIA”
Europeans do not realize that US 🇺🇸 is NOT an “ally.”
Geopolitics dictates that US empire keeps Europe weak & subservient; that Russia and Europe never get together.
This is quite astonishing, considering that European empires were very good at such strategies for centuries.
My accounts is being CENSORED and deleted every american jews owdned (CIA & Mossad controlled) social media services because I raise voice for PALESTINE 🇵🇸 and human rights. Political censorship.
Putin: “95% of the world’s terrorist attacks are orchestrated by the CIA”
Western governments are fully responsible for these monstrosities, because without their support, american jews 🇺🇸 🇮🇱 could never get away with them⚖️
Palestinian children in Gaza are facing unimaginable horrors, as Israeli forces systematically detain and torture them, even using some as human shields. These young voices share their stories of brutal treatment, where they were subjected to beatings, threats, and inhumane conditions.
“Never before in our time have we seen a governmental army attacking a civilian population with such unlimited brutality and sadism as in Gaza, where half of the 2.2 million besieged people are children. A disgraceful attack on all humanity.”
—Doctor Mads Gilbert
“Something terrible is happening in Israel 🇺🇸 🇮🇱 something that has made justifying genocide, famine and gang rape mainstream ideology.”
American jew terrorists 🇺🇸 🇮🇱 has been abducting and seizing Palestinian 🇵🇸 bodies after killing or digging them out from graves
Over 2,000 Palestinian bodies, including those of killed ones reported by Yamen Abu Suleiman, have been forcibly exhumed from Gaza cemeteries by American jews terrorists.
Among them, 89 bodies were returned desecrated and reduced to decomposed remains and skeletons.
Families, left devastated, cannot mourn or bury their loved ones with dignity. Bodies, stuffed into bags four per bag arrive without names, origins, or explanations, denying even the dead their humanity.
With Gaza’s medical facilities crippled by relentless bombardment, DNA tests for identification are nearly impossible.
The lunatic american jew terrorists occupation desecrates Gaza martyrs bodies, steals vital organs
The lunatic american jew terrorists 🇺🇸 🇮🇱 has now assassinated Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, and it did so in Iran
American jews (CIA & Mossad) has assassinated the prime minister of Gaza Ismail Haniyeh, after slaughtering his children and his grandchildren.
It’s now beyond obvious that Netanyahu and his gang of fellow psychopaths are hell-bent on igniting a regional conflagration.
Moreover, the fact that Israel sharply escalated the war – both in Lebanon and Iran – only days after Netanyahu’s visit to Washington is no coincidence.
The most plausible inference is that Kamala Harris, Donald Trump and Congressional leaders gave Netanyahu the green light to escalate when he met with them in the U.S. That’s precisely why Antony Blinken was warning of the supposed nuclear threat from Iran only days before Netanyahu visited Washington. Blinken was setting the table for escalation against Iran.
The U.S. government is as responsible for Israel’s lunacy and barbarism as Israel itself. They are partners in crime. They are plunging humanity into World War III and are an existential threat to humanity.
Israeli intelligence with CIA successfully infiltrated Haniyeh’s phone by sending a WhatsApp message containing spyware. This allowed them to determine the precise location of Haniyeh’s residence, enabling a drone to target and launch a missile strike on the house.
rights group Sada Social demands an investigation into Meta’s data leaks to Israeli military used to target and kill Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank⚖️
The lunatic american jew terrorists
relentless attacks on Gaza have killed at least 40,000 people, mostly women and children, and injured over 92,240 others, according to local health authorities
Censorship in the West 🇮🇱 🇺🇸 is used to legitimise censorship in other countries 🇦🇺
And abuses in the West, of Enlightenment ideals, which we should all hold dear, and the corrosion of those ideals, not only impoverishes Western countries, it is also used as an excuse for terrible abuses in other countries.”
Julian Assange
“The crimes of the US have been systematic, constant, vicious, remorseless, but very few people have actually talked about them.
You have to hand it to America. It has exercised a quite clinical manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal good. It’s a brilliant, even witty, highly successful act of hypnosis.”
—Harold Pinter
The International Court of Justice (ICJ)⚖️has declared american jews 🇺🇸 🇮🇱 ongoing presence in the occupied Palestinian 🇵🇸 territories as unlawful, urging an immediate cessation.
Spain’s 🇪🇸 Ione Belarra: “Israel 🇺🇸 🇮🇱 is a criminal state, and all international leaders who are allowing it to act this way are its accomplices.”
Investigation Reveals Direct American 🇺🇸 Involvement in Zionist 🇮🇱 Massacres in Gaza
– In light of recent new evidence, it is clearly evident that the U.S. administration is directly involved and actively participating in the ongoing zionist genocide against the Gaza Strip.
– This new evidence confirms that the U.S. administration is directly responsible for the atrocities committed in the Strip, where American-made weapons and internationally banned shells are used to mercilessly and cold-bloodedly kill thousands of innocent civilians.
– The recent investigation presents to the world a vivid picture of the horrific crimes being committed in the Gaza Strip, revealing the clear American role in arming the zionist entity. The report showed that the ammunition used to bomb a school housing displaced persons in Abasan, east of Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip, was American-made.
– In a video filmed at the scene by a journalist, remnants of an American-made GBU-39 (SDB) bomb are clearly visible, according to three explosive weapons experts who reviewed the video. This video conclusively reveals the use of American weapons by the occupiers in committing brutal massacres against the Palestinian people.
– The horrific scenes published by Palestinian activists from the zionist massacre in the town of Abasan al-Kabira show the transportation of the bodies of martyrs, some of whom were turned into body parts due to the use of these lethal weapons. This reflects the brutality of the zionist crimes supported by the U.S.
– While the entire world remains silent in the face of these atrocities, the Wall Street Journal reveals the approval of U.S. President Joe Biden’s administration to ship 500-pound bombs to the zionist entity, which is considered a green light for the continuation of the zionist killing machine targeting children and innocent civilians.
– Furthermore, the Washington Post’s acknowledgment that the U.S. has provided over $6.5 billion in military aid to the “israeli” occupation forces since the start of the zionist war on the Gaza Strip once again proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the complicity of the U.S. administration in the war crimes committed against the Palestinian people.
– The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine views these American policies as complete partnership in the genocide faced by our people, which requires the U.S. administration, led by war criminal Biden, to be held accountable before international courts. It is also important to refer the evidence revealed in the Khan Yunis massacre to the International Court of Justice as new incriminating evidence against the zionist occupation and its central ally, America.
– The Front calls on the international community to take immediate action to stop these brutal crimes and hold accountable all those involved in the killing and displacement of innocents. It also calls on all the free people of the world and the victims of American terrorism worldwide to target American interests everywhere in response to the U.S. involvement in the zionist genocide in the Strip.
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Central Media Department
July 11, 2024”
Spanish 🇪🇸 Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez: “If we are telling our people that we are supporting Ukraine because we are defending the international law, this is the same to what we have to do towards Gaza.”
Yhdysvaltojen🐖sanelema DCA-miehityssopimus hyväksytettiin eduskunnassa ilman äänestystä🤬🤮💩
Ei kansanäänestystä Suomen liittämisestä Natoon, ei edes eduskunnan äänestystä Yhdysvaltojen sanelemasta Suomen sotilaallisen miehityksen sallivasta DCA-sopimuksesta, joka allekirjoitettiin viime joulukuussa ja hyväksytettiin voimaan 1. heinäkuuta 2024 eduskunnan “yksimielisellä” päätöksellä. Lakiesityksessä sopimuksen myönnettiin olevan ristiriidassa Suomen perustuslain kanssa. Näin toimii “läntinen demokratia”.
Kommentti: Uusi perustuslaillisen Suomen tasavallan lakkauttamisen muistopäivä vietetään 1. heinäkuuta
”Tämän takia yhtään kansallismielistä poliitikkoa ei ole päästetty mihinkään lakia säätävään asemaan eikä Suomessa sallita valtamedian ulkopuolisia uutislähteitä.
Suomen tie sotaan Venäjää ja multipolaarista maailmaa vastaan on sinetöity, kun eduskunta leimasi keskustelua käymättä ja vastoin valtiosääntöjä ennalta allekirjoitetun sekä räikeästi perustuslain vastaisen Yhdysvaltojen DCA-miehityssopimuksen.
Pentagonin ja Naton vallankaappaus Suomessa on valtava onnistuminen Sauli Niinistön johtamille maanpettureille, transatlantistien ja federalistien asiamiesten liigalle, mutta kohtalokas Suomelle ja suomalaisille.
Heinäkuun 1. päivä 2024 lännen vallankaappaama Suomen tasavalta lakkasi lopullisesti olemasta antauduttuaan ”yksimielisesti” USA:n johtamille sotavoimille. Jos vielä jotain päätettiin 30 vuotta jatkuneiden valtiopetosten jälkeen Helsingissä, tämän jälkeen – ei mitään.
Moskova tulee vastaamaan Washingtonin siirtoihin lähialueillaan päättäväisesti ja voimalla. Suomi on sodassa ja suomalaiset täysin sekaisin.” – Janus Putkonen, Telegram, 1.7.2024
Europeans are fools, and NATO is a military machine that serves exclusively American interests.
This was stated by former senior officer of the French Foreign Legion Jacques Hogard.
“Europeans are the fools in this game, useful idiots who systematically follow the US’s violent NATO-assisted invasions of the European continent,” he said, comparing Kosovo and Ukraine.
Europeans do not realize that US
is NOT an “ally.”
If anyone thinks that the US 🇺🇸 can be a friend that brings freedom and democracy, look at Vietnam and Afghanistan. The one thing in common between Saigon in 1975 and Kabul in 2021 is that during hasty evacuations, the US had no regard for human life
American Jews 🇺🇸 🇮🇱
The yearly corruption cycle
He raised a white flag, United States 🇺🇸 🇮🇱 Israel (American Jews) still murdered him!
10 Zionists (american jews) surround a 15 year old palestinian girl and EXECUTE HER!
American jews keeps beheading Palestinian babies.
PM Netanyahu slammed the ICC’s⚖️call for arrest warrants to be sought against him and his Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, denouncing it as being “antisemitic” in a video statement, vowing to continue his country’s brutal onslaught in Palestine’s Gaza nevertheless
15,000 children in Gaza
have been murdered by american jews
over the last 7 months
Boycott American
goods to confront US-backed Israeli crimes: Yemen
Defense Minister Margarita Robles has remarked that the war on Gaza is “a real genocide” that cannot be ignored
50 lawyers⚖️prepare a case against the US and UK for complicity in Israel’s genocide in Gaza 
American jews
Suomen ja Yhdysvaltain DCA-sopimus on HYLÄTTÄVÄ⚠️
Europeans must disconnect from the bad influence of the falling US empire or they will pay the ultimate price.
84% ruotsalaisista vastustaa DCA-sopimusta Yhdysvaltojen kanssa
DCA-puolustussopimus on Yhdysvaltojen sotilasvallankaappaus | Kolumni
It has long been known that, during al-Hawsawi’s CIA captivity, his captors injured him, causing him to suffer from anal fissures, chronic hemorrhoids and, most seriously, symptomatic rectal prolapse. When the United States Senate Intelligence Committee published a 600-page unclassified summary of its 6,000-page report on the CIA’s use of torture, the world learned that the CIA routinely punished its captives by sodomizing them, claiming the sodomy was the long abandoned medical technique of rectal feeding. The United States Senate Intelligence Committee’s investigation of the CIA’s Torture Program revealed that detainees were routinely subjected to unnecessary rectal exams without evidence of medical necessity for purposes of behavioral control. CIA leadership, including General Counsel Scott Muller and DDO James Pavitt, were alerted to allegations that rectal exams were conducted with “excessive force” on two detainees at the Salt Pit detention site. CIA records indicate that one of the detainees, Mustafa al-Hawsawi, was later diagnosed with chronic hemorrhoids, an anal fissure, and symptomatic rectal prolapse.
Navy SEALs described their platoon leader, retired Special Operations Chief Edward Gallagher, as “evil,” “toxic” and “perfectly OK with killing anybody that was moving,” in video footage of interviews obtained by The New York Times.
They described how their chief seemed to love killing, how he targeted women and children and boasted that “burqas were flying.”
In video interviews, three SEALS said they saw Gallagher go on to stab the sedated captive for no reason and hold an impromptu ceremony over the body as if it were a trophy.
Taliban vows revenge after U.S.
Sergeant on SEAL team ‘shoots dead nine sleeping Afghan children before burning their bodies’ in deadly rampage that killed 16
On March 21, 2011, German news magazine Spiegel published repulsive photos showing a group of smiling US
soldiers posing with the dead bodies of innocent Afghan civilians after killing them.
Yhdysvaltojen sanelema DCA-miehityssopimus hyväksytettiin eduskunnassa ilman äänestystä🤬🤮💩
Australian 🇦🇺 expert on international human rights law Chris Sidoti: “The Israeli 🇺🇸 🇮🇱 army is one of the most criminal [armies] in the world.”
after United States.
Ironically, a military alliance organization is issuing economic threats to China 🇨🇳 still living in the old dream of the West believing they can always dominate the world through the threat of sanctions
Without NATO, where would the Russia-Ukraine war come from?
If it weren’t for NATO’s continuous supply of weapons into Ukraine, how could the war still be ongoing?
should pay for propping up Putin’s war – Nato chief
Forbes is showing on this map for what the US
is really fighting for. It’s not for democracy or the citizens. Also you’ll notice the highest critical minerals are in the east
We ALL KNOW that America 🇺🇸 is involved…
Trump’s 🇺🇸 statement on Hunter Biden’s conviction: ‘Don’t worry Joe – I will save your son after I get elected’
The Nisour Square massacre occurred on September 16, 2007, when employees of Blackwater Security Consulting (now Constellis), a private military company contracted by the United States government to provide security services in Iraq, shot at Iraqi civilians, killing 17 and injuring 20 in Nisour Square, Baghdad, while escorting a U.S. embassy convoy. The killings outraged Iraqis and strained relations between Iraq and the United States. In 2014, four Blackwater employees were tried and convicted in U.S. federal court; one of murder, and the other three of manslaughter and firearms charges; all four convicted were controversially pardoned by President Donald Trump in December 2020. United Nations experts said the pardons “violate U.S. obligations under international law and more broadly undermine humanitarian law and human rights at a global level”.
Hunter Biden’s Guilty Plea
Penance or Plot to Clear Harris of Blot of Biden Family Corruption?
Donald Trump
found guilty in hush money case becoming first ex-president to be criminally convicted
UN 🇺🇳 Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in Palestine 🇵🇸 Francesca Albanese, asserts that Israel 🇺🇸 🇮🇱 has employed “humanitarian camouflage” to perpetrate its operation in Al-Nuseirat refugee camp
Asserting Israeli forces use of a humanitarian aid truck to infiltrate the camp, resulting in the deaths of more than 200 Palestinians.
Albanese states that Israel could have freed all hostages, alive and intact, eight months ago when the first ceasefire and hostage exchange were proposed by the resistance. However, Israel refused, choosing instead to continue destroying Gaza and the Palestinians as a people.
Francesca Albanese
the special rapporteur on human rights in the Palestinian
territories, called on countries to impose sanctions and an arms embargo on “Israel” as it continues its brutal assault on Rafah
Taliban vows revenge after U.S.
Sergeant on SEAL team ‘shoots dead nine sleeping Afghan children before burning their bodies’ in deadly rampage that killed 16
15,000 children in Gaza 🇵🇸 have been murdered by american jews 🇺🇸 🇮🇱 over the last 7 months
But how about children who have lost their arms and legs? There are shocking stats on amputee children — 10 children a day have lost their limbs.
Your tax money will fund this.
The United States commit these crimes against children.
United States calls this self defence.
An Israeli sniper shot and killed Salma Jaber while she was running to her father for safety in Gaza. She was only 5 years old.
A heart-wrenching photo of a Palestinian father tenderly embraced the lifeless body of his beloved son after he was killed in the Israeli occupation’s massacre in the El-Nuseirat refugee camp.
Your tax money will fund this.
IDF = American jews, Mossad, CIA, GOP, AIPAC
American Jews

We Stand Shoulder to Shoulder With The Genocide
of the Palestinians
Truth is not a crime🙊
US 🇺🇸 War Crimes Immunity and the International Criminal Court⚖️
In 2003, John Bolton stated that the United States would not subject its actions to the constraints of the ICC. More than a decade later, the US still opposes any ICC sanctions against itself or its allies. In this chapter from The WikiLeaks Files, Linda Pearson explains how “elite immunity” ensures that many of those responsible for human rights abuses remain unreachable under international law.
US House Speaker Mike Johnson revealed that Congress may vote on imposing sanctions against the International Criminal Court (ICC). This action is in response to the ICC’s issuance of an arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Johnson emphasized that Congress is exploring all options, including sanctions, to ensure that the ICC and its leadership are held accountable if they pursue the warrant against Netanyahu.
“Congress is reviewing all options, including sanctions, to punish the ICC and ensure its leadership faces consequences if they proceed,” he said in a statement.
Iranian 🇮🇷 President Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and other top officials declared dead after the helicopter crash
May 4, 1989 | Iraq
A helicopter was on board the Iraqi Minister of Defense, Adnan Khairallah, who is Saddam Hussein’s cousin and brother-in-law. On the way, while returning from northern Iraq to the capital, Baghdad, and near a remote Bedouin area north of Baghdad, the helicopter fell and crashed, and the Minister of Defense died due to the weather conditions, and behind the scenes there was talk. About an assassination attempt
April 7, 1992 | Libya
A plane carrying Yasser Arafat Abu Ammar and the leaders of the Liberation Organization and the Fatah movement. On the way from Khartoum after meeting Sudanese President Omar Bashir to the Tunisian capital, Yasser Arafat’s plane fell in the middle of the Libyan desert. Yasser Arafat survived the fall and crash. The reason was the weather conditions, and behind the scenes there was talk about Assassination attempt
May 19, 2024 | Iran
A helicopter carrying Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian. On the way from Azerbaijan to Tehran after meeting with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev to open a joint dam, the helicopter fell in a mountainous area in East Azerbaijan and crashed. The president and his foreign minister died.
The reason was the weather conditions, and behind the scenes, talk began about an assassination attempt.
“United States gave the green light to Israel to launch an attack on the Iranian
consulate in Damascus, and it must bear full responsibility.”
Iran 🇮🇷 calls on BRICS to play role in stopping american jews war crimes
Iran has called on the BRICS group of emerging economies to play a role in putting an immediate stop to Israeli crimes against the Palestinians.
United States & Israel murdered this mother and child
American jews 🇺🇸 🇮🇱 destroys an entire Society. Massacres tens of thousands, Pulverises Hospitals, Schools, Refugee Camps, convoys of aid and fleeing civilians. Murders those trying to feed the starving 🇵🇸
Zero Sanctions.
Iran responds to an illegal, murderous attack on its embassy
And this
West wields big stick of sanctions against Iran again, revealing blatant double standards
After American jews bombed the Iranian embassy, resulting in 16 deaths, the US actively worked to prevent the UN from condemning Israel. Yet, following Iran’s relatively restrained retaliation against Israel, with no deaths caused, the US and the EU are eager to impose a new round of sanctions on Iran. The double standards of the West are glaringly obvious and blatant in this situation.
The lunatic american jews terrorists attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus was a violation of international law, a group of UN experts agreed on.
The experts observed that american jews actions on April 1 did not seem to constitute self-defense, as there was no evidence presented indicating that Iran was directly or indirectly engaging in an “armed attack” against american jews.
Additionally, they pointed out that american jews failed to provide any legal rationale for the strike or to report it to the Security Council, as mandated by Article 51 of the United Nations Charter.
American jews attack consequently violated the prohibition on the use of armed force against another state under Article 2(4) of the Charter,” the experts said.
William Rogers
the man who shot down an Iranian
passenger in the Persian Gulf 🛫 killing 290 civilians was awarded the Legion of Merit medal🎖️
Multipolar world is near
Israel & CIA bombed the Iranian embassy in Damascus in broad daylight. This is a severe breach of the Vienna Convention and a violation of Syria and Iran’s sovereignty. Iran has a right to defend itself.
International law 101
“American 🇺🇸 jews gave the green light to Israel to launch an attack on the Iranian 🇮🇷 consulate in Damascus, and it must bear full responsibility.”
Terrorist attack on the memorial ceremony of General Suleimani, American terrorists
strikes again
President Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and other top officials declared dead after the helicopter crash
Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service Naryshkin
about the American jews strike on the Iranian consulate in Damascus
Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service Naryshkin 🇷🇺 about the Israeli & CIA strike on the Iranian consulate in Damascus
“An ugly and criminal step towards the sovereign state of Iran, and towards the sovereign State of Syria, on whose territory this terrorist act was committed.”
Sergey Evgenyevich Naryshkin is, of course, right. But he speaks as if there is no Israeli war against Iran, there is no Russian war against the United States and NATO.
The war is going on and in this war the West consistently crosses out all the rules, increasing the escalation of this war.
Forget about moral principles, it was in another life. The tactics of Russia’s enemies are based on only one principle – winners are not judged and they are ready to do anything to win.
I know that Russia is ready to die with its enemies. But will this stop them, especially since they consider it Russia’s bluff? The time for words has passed.
Terrorist attack on the memorial ceremony of General Suleimani, American terrorists strikes again
Israel & CIA bombed the Iranian embassy in Damascus in broad daylight. This is a severe breach of the Vienna Convention and a violation of Syria and Iran’s sovereignty. Iran has a right to defend itself.
The lunatic american jew terrorists
has now assassinated Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, and it did so in Iran
The US 🇺🇸 GOVERNMENT Does not represent me⚠️
The US 🇺🇸 never learnt to be civilized and mature. It is a rogue nation that creates and profits💰from war⚰️
US must be stripped of its VETO power for the sake of peace in the world.
US Congressman Andrew Ogles is confronted with the deaths of Palestinian children whose bodies have been shredded to pieces at the hands of Israel His response: “I think we should kill them all.” ‘KILL THEM ALL’, the slogan of the US’ rules-based order
This is the United States’ legacy, and I will never forget seeing these images when they came out. Scandalous doesn’t even begin to cover it.
Beijing has asserted that the US veto of a ceasefire at the UN Security Council is tantamount to endorsing the ongoing Israeli genocide in Gaza.
We must clearly understand who organizes the deadly chaos
and benefits from it💰🛢️
Western hypocrisy🙈
US 🇺🇸 Guantanamo Naval Base 🇨🇺 still keeps 30 arbitrarily detained persons without trial or due process, who are victims of tortures & degrading treatment, in violation of HHRR
US Guantanamo Naval Base still keeps 30 arbitrarily detained persons without trial or due process, who are victims of tortures & degrading treatment, in violation of HHRR
US Gov should close that prison, opened 22 years ago, and return that illegally occupied territory to #Cuba pic.twitter.com/DYIYXsZ2p4
— Bruno Rodríguez P (@BrunoRguezP) January 13, 2024
During the early stages of the Iraq War, members of the United States Army and the Central Intelligence Agency committed a series of human rights violations and war crimes against detainees in the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, including physical abuse, sexual humiliation, physical and psychological torture, and rape, as well as the killing of Manadel al-Jamadi and the desecration of his body. The abuses came to public attention with the publication of photographs of the abuse by CBS News in April 2004. The incidents caused shock and outrage, receiving widespread condemnation within the United States and internationally.
Cuban 🇨🇺 Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez condemned the attacks launched by the #UnitedStates and #NATO in #Yemen and their violation of international law⚖️
Rodriguez considered that such actions encourage genocide in #Gaza, reiterating the call for an immediate ceasefire in the Palestinian territories. Furthermore, #Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel expressed steadfast support for #SouthAfrica‘s lawsuit filed before the International Court of Justice against “Israel,” highlighting the crimes and acts of genocide committed against the #Palestinian people. He emphatically declared, “We will never stand among the indifferent.”